The Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of the 2022 Scholarship season.  Last year we increased the number of scholarships we gave from 4 to 7, and the amount of each from $1500 to $2000.  This year we again expect to give at least seven $2000 scholarships, more if fundraising permits.  There will be at least one for an early undergraduate (preferable community college), at least one other undergrad scholarship, one for an early grad student, one for a diversity candidate, one for a First Nations student.  All aspects of renewable energy, including social sciences and humanities as well as sustainability and grid issues, are fair game.  The deadline for applications is Feb 15, 2022, and details can be found on our website.  The reality is that most students do not apply until near the deadline, but it does not hurt to get them thinking about it now.  Please encourage your top students to apply!


Dave Reingold, President

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