Greetings Oregon State community members—

I am pleased to announce that Angela Davis—American political activist, philosopher, academic and author—will be the keynote speaker at the 39th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration on January 18, 2021. Through her activism and scholarship over many decades, Angela Davis has been deeply involved in movements for social justice around the world. Her work as an educator has always emphasized the importance of building communities to support the struggle for economic, racial and gender justice.

The 2021 Celebration will be an online-only event, and the Celebration and Keynote on January 18 will be via Zoom. Registration for the free event is now open.

In addition to the keynote, the Celebration will include presentation of the Legacy Awards. Nominations for the 2021 Legacy Awards are now open; please submit nominations by Friday, December 11, 2020.  

We encourage departments and organizations across the university to host events that reflect, celebrate and educate on the legacy of Dr. King. Events can be submitted to the Office of Institutional Diversity by Friday, December 11, 2020.

On behalf of myself, the Office of Institutional Diversity, and our sponsoring partners—Oregon State University, the OSU Foundation and the OSU Alumni Association—I look forward to welcoming you to the 2021 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, and joining Angela Davis in conversation and reflection. 

Best regards,

Charlene Alexander

Charlene Alexander, Ph.D. 

Oregon State University

Vice President, Chief Diversity Officer

510 Kerr Administration Building

Corvallis Oregon 97331

Phone: 541-737-5936

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