Title: Modeling the Melt: What Math Tells Us About Disappearing Polar Sea Ice

Guest Speaker: Ken Golden
Institution: University of Utah

Date/Time: Monday, February 4, 2019 – 16:00 to 16:50

Location: KIDD 364

Event Link: https://math.oregonstate.edu/node/15294

Abstract: The precipitous loss of Arctic sea ice has outpaced expert predictions. We will explore how mathematical models of key sea ice processes are being developed to improve projections of the future of Earth’s sea ice packs and the polar ecosystems they support. Our models are inspired by theories of multiscale composite materials and statistical physics, and are developed in conjunction with field experiments that we have conducted in both the Arctic and Antarctic. The lecture is intended for a wide, interdisciplinary audience, and will conclude with a short video on a recent Antarctic expedition where we measured fluid and electromagnetic transport properties of sea ice.

Host: Malgorzata Peszynska

Department Colloquium Dinner: The mathematics department arranges for a colloquium dinner (sometimes lunch, depending on the speaker’s schedule) for external speakers. These dinners are an opportunity for faculty and students to interact with invited professional mathematicians in a social setting. The department pays for dinner (alcohol expenses are not covered by the department) for the colloquium speaker and a host. Everyone else in attendence is expected to pay for their own dinner.

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