We are pleased to announce the session schedule for the Cayuse Workshop scheduled for Monday, April 30, in Milne (MCC) 130. Bethany Northquist, Professional Services Consultant from Cayuse, will be on campus to conduct a full day Cayuse Workshop comprising multiple sessions. Presentations will include basics of Cayuse, new features of recent upgrades, and reporting/data tools. Please note the computer classroom holds just 20 people so we have provided a Google Docs sign up list below for anyone who wants to reserve a seat.  Non-reserved seats will be open to anyone on a first come basis.  All sessions are open to our Outreach Community as well as Faculty and others who use Cayuse for proposal creation and submission.

To RESERVE a seat, please sign up on the Google Doc available at:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l9Vzy8ZXDdhaEVO_W6WLG9sDerripyNtoHKgTfGZLWw/edit?usp=sharingIf you have trouble signing on to this site, reply to this email  <Julie.Meier@oregonstate.eduand I will add your name to the session(s) you want to attend.

10:30am-Noon: Intro to Cayuse/Cayuse Basics
Basic Navigation
Proposal Creation in Cayuse SP
Creating a paired proposal in Cayuse 424
Proposal Submission

Noon-12:30pm: Break

12:30-1:00pm: Open Session/Workshop/Q&A
Open to anyone that is interested in learning more about Cayuse. Feel free to drop in even if you already attended an earlier session.
1:00-2:00pm: Reporting with Cayuse
How to access the canned reports in Cayuse SP
Who can see what within the reports
Cayuse SP/Cayuse 424 Data Connect

2:00-3:00pm: Navigating Cayuse SP
Advanced navigation in Cayuse SP
How to locate, view, and edit proposals in Cayuse SP
Roles and Access within Cayuse SP

3:00-5:00pm: Open Session/Workshop/Q&A
Open to anyone that is interested in learning more about Cayuse. Feel free to drop in even if you already attended an earlier session.


Julie Meier, Cayuse Administrator
Office for Sponsored Research and Award Administration

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