OSU Community:

To ensure those in service to the University with security-sensitive access and/or driving as an essential function continue to meet the minimum qualifications for their position, incumbents are required to notify the Office of Human Resources if they are convicted of a crime relevant to their position or if they no longer meet the minimum driver standards.

Failure to report relevant convictions may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. If the University receives report of a relevant conviction, a new criminal history check and/or motor vehicle history review may be required to confirm the report.

If you have questions about reporting convictions or the criminal history or motor vehicle history check process, please contact the Office of Human Resources at Employment@oregonstate.edu or by mail to the Attn: Employment Services Manager, 122 Kerr Administration Building, Corvallis, Oregon  97331.

Positions with Self-Report Requirement:

Per University Policy 576-055, positions with security-sensitive access require a satisfactory criminal history check before the applicant is placed into service. The categories of critical or security-sensitive designated positions for which the University may conduct criminal history checksinclude those in which the person:

  • Has direct access to persons under 18 years of age or to student residence facilities because the person’s work duties require the person to be present in the residence facility;
  • Is providing information technology services and has control over, or access to, information technology systems that would allow the person to harm the information technology systems or the information contained in the systems;
  • Has access to information, the disclosure of which is prohibited by state or federal laws, rules or regulations or information that is defined as confidential under state or federal laws, rules or regulations;
  • Has access to property where hazardous materials and other items controlled by state or federal laws or regulations are located;
  • Has access to laboratories, nuclear facilities or utility plants to which access is restricted in order to protect the health or safety of the public;
  • Has fiscal, financial aid, payroll or purchasing responsibilities as one of the person’s primary responsibilities;
  • Has access to personal information about employees or members of the public including Social Security numbers, dates of birth, driver license numbers, medical information, personal financial information or criminal background information; or
  • Has access to or responsibility for the care, safety and security of animals.

Per University Policy 05-030, positions with driving as an essential function require a motor vehicle history check with satisfactory results before the applicant is placed into service. The incumbent must possess and maintain a valid driver’s license in their state of residence and meet the minimum driver standards (as identified in section 5.3.2).



Donna Chastain

Director & Interim CHRO | Office of Human Resources |

Oregon State University | Direct: 541.737.2806 | Fax: 541.737.0553 |

Location:  204 Kerr Admin Bldg | Mailing: 122 Kerr Admin Bldg | Corvallis, OR 97331-2132 | Go Beavs!

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