Wolfe Laboratories, Inc. has an immediate need for which your current, or recent, graduates may be interested. This is a newly-created position due to our growth. May, or even June, 2017, graduates are certainly eligible to apply as well as recent grads.

I want to point out that our Postdoctoral Scientist positions are not for a specific length of time, as are most academic postdoc roles. This is a full time “permanent” job, with the anticipation of once the postdoc attains certain milestones they are then moved into a different position in the company (Scientist I, Project Manager, and other opportunities as well).

Thank you for your assistance in distributing these to your students, and hopefully I’ll get a lot of interest! As usual, should you have any questions, feel free to ask away. Thanks.

Steve Pangione, PHR
HR Manager
Wolfe Laboratories, Inc.
19 Presidential Way
Woburn, MA 01801
781-305-4940, X102

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