I would like to invite you to share this opportunity with any advisees who might be interested. In this program we match INTO OSU students with native English speakers.  Each group will meet once a week for about an hour on their own schedule throughout the term.  This will allow participants to share experiences on campus or around Corvallis while learning about each other’s culture and background.  The hope is that the partners will get a chance to navigate cultural difference and learn someone else’s story while becoming more familiar with their community.  Sign up closes at the end of the first week of every term.

If individuals are interested they can sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1b_pVWSnVKzNznrWaUWl5KuiH8aD6IZEKk6SFLOV2omU/viewform
You can learn more about the program here: http://international.oregonstate.edu/osu-cultural-ambassador-conversant-program

Thank you for your time!

Casey Glick
Student Engagement Coordinator

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