OSU’s annual Celebrating Undergraduate Excellent event recognizing the outstanding contributions of OSU’s undergraduate researchers will be held on May 14 beginning at 11:00 in the new MU Plaza between the MU and the Student Experience Center.  This event, which is open to students in all majors, provides students with an opportunity to present posters of their work to the OSU community and can be used to satisfy the public presentation requirement for Transcript Notation.

The deadline for applications for CUE has been extended to April 28 at 5:00 p.m.  For more information, please see http://communications.oregonstate.edu/events/cue or send email to Kevin Ahern at ahernk@onid.orst.edu

Please note that all students nominated for Undergraduate Researcher of the Year are required to participate in CUE to be eligible for the award.

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