We are writing to let you know about an exciting grant opportunity — the Marion Milligan Mason Award for Women in the Chemical Sciences.

The objective of the Mason Award is to kick-start the research career of promising future senior investigators in the chemical sciences. The Marion Milligan Mason Fund will provide three grants of $50,000 every other year to women researchers engaged in basic research in the chemical sciences. Awards are for women who are starting their academic research careers. In addition to research funding, the program will provide leadership development and mentoring opportunities.

Applicants must have a “full-time” career-track appointment. More than one applicant from the same institution can apply for this award, provided that each application is scientifically distinct.

For more information about the request for proposals for the Marion Milligan Mason Award for Women in the Chemical Sciences, please click here to view the PDF.

This award is funded by a bequest from the Marion Milligan Mason Fund.

As a chemist and AAAS member since 1965, the late Marion Tuttle Milligan Mason wanted to support the advancement of women in the chemical sciences. Dr. Milligan also wanted to honor her family’s commitment to higher education for women, as demonstrated by her parents and grandfather, who encouraged and sent several daughters to college.

***Proposals are due Monday, September 15, 2014, midnight Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

***Awards will be announced on or before May 1, 2015.

Proposals should be submitted via the online application system athttps://masonaward.aaas.org

Please circulate this email to your colleagues.

If you have questions, please e-mail masonaward@aaas.org

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