We are now accepting applications for the Nuclear Forensics Junior Faculty Program (NFJFAP) 2015 Award Cycle.  Attached you will find a description and application as well as a budget spreadsheet for the NFJFAP Program.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) established the Nuclear Forensics Junior Faculty Award Program (NFJFAP) in 2010 to provide universities with an incentive to promote, recruit, and retain qualified personnel to teach within nuclear forensics-related degree programs and contribute to associated research and development projects which support the U.S. Government nuclear forensics mission.

The NFJFAP encourages talented individuals who have recently received a Ph.D. in a discipline related to the technical areas listed in the attached program description to consider and/or advance their careers at an academic institution.

Please review and/or forward the attached application information to anyone interested in this program.

We highly recommend using the electronic forms for this application process.  These can be found at www.scuref.org/forms on the NFJFAP tab.
Thank you!

NFJFAP 2 year Budget for RFP

NFJFAP-RFP-2015 Final

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