The National Academies is pleased to announce a call for nominations and applications for the 2014 Jefferson Science Fellows program.  Initiated by the Secretary of State in 2003, this fellowship program engages the American academic science, technology, engineering and medical communities in the design and implementation of U.S. foreign policy.

Jefferson Science Fellows (JSF) spend one year at the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for an on-site assignment in Washington, D.C. that may also involve extended stays at U.S. foreign embassies and/or missions.

The fellowship is open to tenured, or similarly ranked, academic scientists, engineers and physicians from U.S. institutions of higher learning. Nominees/applicants must hold U.S. citizenship and will be required to obtain a security clearance.

The deadline for 2014-2015 program year applications/nominations is January 13, 2014. To learn more about the Jefferson Science Fellowship and to apply, visit the JSF website at:

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