My name is Steph Walker and I am starting up a new chapter of the Materials Research Society on campus. I thought some of your students might be interested. Our group focuses on exposing undergraduate and graduate students to careers in materials science through activities on and around the OSU campus. Specifically, this term we are focusing on going on materials science related lab tours as well as having a panel discussion with a faculty member, grad student, career counselor, and someone from industry about materials science careers.

Because materials science is very interdisciplinary, I would like the club to have members from many different colleges. It would add a lot of value to the group as well as open up opportunities for lab tours and discussions in other departments related to materials. (Right now, we are based in the Chemical Engineering department, but I would like to expand this.)

The students do not have to be paying MRS members yet but MRS student members receive many benefits, detailed here: (We’re not yet requiring this yet to go to meetings).

We will be posting more information periodically on our blog:

I hope you will consider putting a notice in your newsletter about our forming club and spread the word to anyone who may be interested!


Thank you,

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