We didn’t have it last term, but we’ve got an update now, so CONGRATULATIONS to last terms Chemistry Honor Role Students!!

Amanda Abbott

Corinne Brucks

Kali Burkhardt

Tora Cobb

Shannon Davis

Andrea Domen

Mai Duong

David Encke

Mitchell Fargher

Derek Franco

Elizabeth Gass

Laura Hale

Jacquellyn Helm

Timothy Hemphill

John Hergert

Joshua Holmes

Michael Hughes

Thomas Ketsdever

Jennifer King

Kevin Kovalchik

Jamy Lee

Stephanie Lilly

Ezri Martinez

Sarah Melancon

Kristine Nguyen

Hason Nikkel

Jackson Olson Dougan

Shelby Paulson

Jordan Rains

Ryan Rains

Bryan Rogers

Jenna Schardt

Connor Smith

Nathan Stencel

Nathan Stephon

Matthew Stolt

Halley Todd

Joshua Windheim

Arsalan Zolfaghari


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