To: OSU Research Community

Re: Industry Funded Research at OSU

We are making significant changes in the Research Office to enhance the University’s capability to rise to one of the President’s top three priorities: significantly increase university-industry partnering through sponsored research, new business development, and commercialization of research. On July 2, the responsibility for industry funded research agreements will transition from the Office of Sponsored Research to the Office for Commercialization & Corporate Development.

This change is intended to be a major service enhancement for faculty, staff and students, engaging early in the process and emphasizing cross-unit communication. The net result is to operate at the speed of business.  Additional details are on the attached talking points.



Rick Spinrad
Vice President for Research


Since receiving this email, I have received several inquiries on how this may affect proposal preparation and routing via the new Cayuse system.  I was able to get some confirmation on the matter this afternoon –

It turns out that industry-sponsored proposals &/or those with industry partners will be prepared and submitted as with any proposal and no special routing to the Office for Commercialization and Corporate Development (OCCD) is necessary (or even possible for that matter).  The new changes outlined below take place specifically at the contract stage; the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will still review the proposal application but will no longer take the lead in reviewing/negotiating/executing industry contracts.

That said, if you have a proposal that you would like reviewed by someone in OCCD, you can add them as an individual to the Investigators/Research Team screen, with a role of “Other Participant (no routing)” and they will be able to view your proposal when logged into the Cayuse system.

Please share with your faculty.

Thank you,



Liz Etherington

Sponsored Research Program Administration, CAS

Office: 541-737-3429

Cell: 541-740-0002


Industry Funded Agreements Transistion Talking Points


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