To the OSU Community:


I am pleased to inform you that I have appointed Dr. Sandra Woods as Dean of the College of Engineering effective July 30, 2012.


Dr. Woods has been Dean of Engineering at Colorado State University for the past several years, and prior to serving as Dean, she served as Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She held various other roles at CSU, including Interim Vice Provost for Special Projects, while she led their Office of International Programs, Division of Distance and Continuing Education, and Graduate School.


Prior to her roles at CSU, Dr. Woods was a faculty member and served in a variety of administrative roles here at Oregon State University. She obtained a B.S. in civil engineering from Michigan State University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering from the University of Washington.

In addition to leading the College of Engineering, Dr. Woods will work in collaboration with the Dean of Business to promote economic growth and social progress as part of the Division of Business and Engineering.

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Woods on her new role, and acknowledging Dr. Scott Ashford for his outstanding service to the College and University as Interim Dean of Engineering.

I have attached our press release regarding Dr. Woods’ appointment.


Sabah Randhawa

Provost and Executive Vice President

7-5-12 Sandra Woods

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