I wanted to send out another brief that faculty should no longer be submitting paper-based proposals or using the OSU Proposal Transmittal Form.

All proposals should be submitted using Cayuse SP.  For the month of July, proposals can be routed either through Cayuse424 or through Cayuse SP.

There will be another Cayuse training session offered on July 12, from 9am-10:30am in MU 211.  Faculty and staff can send an e-mail to sponsored.programs@oregonstate.edu to reserve a seat in this session.

Thank you for sharing this information with faculty and staff in your areas.  Please contact Pat Hawk, Director of Sponsored Programs (541-737-6699 or patricia.hawk@oregonstate.edu ), if you have any questions.

Patricia A. Hawk
Office of Sponsored Programs
Oregon State University
308 Kerr Administration Building
Corvallis, OR  97331-2140
541-737-6699 (voice)
541-737-3093 (fax)


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