Just a reminder that I have several spots still available for this Monday’s training session (we moved into a larger room) – let me know if you or your faculty are interested in attending.


Cayuse Training

Monday, June 25th

2:30 PM

Peavy 236

I will also be adding some sessions for the summer months, more information coming soon.

Thank you!



Liz Etherington

Sponsored Research Program Administration, CAS

Office: 541-737-3429

Cell: 541-740-0002


Just another reminder about the new online proposal submission service – Cayuse.  The site is live and several faculty have already been submitting proposals via this method but everyone will be required to use this system as of July 1, 2012.

Cayuse’s production system is found at http://oregonstate.cayuse424.com.  The system is under Single Sign-on, and you will use your ONID username (all lower case) and your ONID password to access the website.

For those of you that have not had a chance to attend a training session,  I have scheduled some additional “anyone can join” sessions to give everyone a chance to get familiar with the system prior to their first proposal submission &/or to ask specific questions if they have had a chance to play around a bit.  I have also added an extra training session to go over the addition of subawards to your projects as this can be a bit tricky.


The next general training sessions are scheduled for –

  • Thursday, 5/31 @ 1:30 PM
  • Wednesday, 6/13 @ 10 AM
  • Monday, 6/25 @ 2:30 PM


Special session – Managing subawards in Cayuse (best if you have already used Cayuse &/or have been to a general training session)

  • Tuesday, 6/5 @ 2 PM

All sessions will be held in Peavy 236 which is supplied with computers to make it an interactive training session.  Please share the information with your faculty and have them contact me if they are interested (as space is limited).


Thank you,



Liz Etherington

Sponsored Research Program Administration

College of Agricultural Sciences

Oregon State University

138 Strand Agriculture Hall

Office: 541-737-3429

Cell: 541-740-0002



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