OSU Corvallis Campus Community,

In light of the losses we have experienced through recent deaths in our community, we want to make sure that you are aware of resources to assist you personally and our community broadly as we support one another.  The individual ways in which we experience loss differ, and we want to remind students, faculty, and staff that no one needs to face their feelings of loss and grief alone. We’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that, in addition to the support you may draw from your own friends and family, we also have many resources available here at Oregon State University.

We thank those who have recognized and responded quickly to the needs of our community, in particular the Student Care Team, Counseling & Psychological Services counselors, Public Safety dispatch and officers, and Oregon State Police.

During difficult times like this, may we continue to listen to, support, and rely on each other. We are grateful to be a part of a caring community.

Mamta Accapadi and      Jackie Alvarez

Dean of Student Life             Director, Counseling & Psychological Services

COUNSELING & PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES :Monday – Friday 8am-5pm · 541.737.2131 · 500 Snell Hall

  • Same day counseling appointments available
  • Emergency consultations: Please call during office hours for more information if you have an immediate need to meet with a counselor
  • CAPS services are covered by student fees
  • Click here for information on how to make your first appointment


PEBB contracts with Cascade Centers, Inc., to offer EAP services to agencies and employees.   Your call is answered by a mental health professional (no recordings) and is anonymous and completely confidential.

  • Find a counselor in your area
  • Locate community resources
  • Schedule an appointment.

STUDENT LIFE ON-CALL TEAM for non-emergency student assistance weekdays 8am – 4:30pm, 541.737.8748 option 1.

CAMPUS EMERGENCIES – Oregon State Police/Public Safety at 541.737.7000 or dial 911

THE STUDENT CARE TEAM meets regularly and is also available for consultation if you would like to speak with someone about ways to best support a student and/or manage a student situation. Contact the Student Care Team through Lisa Hoogesteger in the Office of the Dean of Student Life at 541-737-3343.


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