Monthly Archives: May 2012
Micron Technology, Inc Job Opporunities
Micron Technology Inc. is finishing a R&D Fabrication Facility in Boise Idaho and is currently aggressively searching for qualified candidates to fill positions. Most of the positions will be graduate level positions but there will likely be a full spectrum of possible jobs and educational requirements. A list of the positions available for outside candidates can be found at the following link: There might be very good job opportunities here for some of our graduates. Applicants can apply directly from the web site or they can forward their applications through Shane Trapp, Dry Etch R&D, Micron Technology (208 368 4728; ) and he can pass them along to the appropriate people.
Undergraduate of the Quarter – Spring 2012 – Matt Stolt

Matthew Stolt has been selected as an undergrad chem major of the quarter for Spring 2012. Matt was born and raised in Oregon – growing up in the Beaverton area. He attended Jesuit High School. He cites his big brother as a significant influence in his life including encouraging him to attend Jesuit High School as well as Oregon State University. While he came to OSU initially to be a Chemistry Engineering major, one of his friends, Evan, got him interested in becoming a Chemistry major. Matt has been conducting undergraduate research with Mas Subramanian since his sophomore year. He initially worked closely with senior graduate student Geneva Laurita-Plankis; however, he is now working on an independent project within Professor Subramanian’s lab. He specifically mentioned emeritus professor Glenn Evans as his favorite teacher. He described Dr. Evans has “unbelievably challenging,” but he did a wonderful job of making sure that the students really “know” the material. Matt plans to continue his education after graduation – likely getting a PhD in materials / inorganic chemistry. He would like to thank all the faculty and students he has worked with during his time here as well as his study group and friends for their support. We congratulate Matt on all his accomplishments to date and he is a wonderful part of the Chemistry program at OSU!
ASBC Closed Thursday, May 31st
All members of the Arts & Sciences Business Center will be attending a professional development event this Thursday, May 31, 2012 from 8AM – 1:30PM. Our offices will be closed during that time, but will reopen at 1:30PM. We are sorry if this causes any inconvenience. You may work with your business center contacts to make special arrangements if necessary.
Please forward this on to others in your units that need to be aware of this closure. You are welcome to contact me with questions/concerns.
Thank you.
Mark A. Johnson C.P.A.
Business Center Manager
Arts & Sciences Business Center
Cordley 2046
Oregon State University
Patrick Iversen Seminar
Opportunity for Fullbright Distinguished Chair in Agricultural Technology and Education
Opportunities for agricultural scientists as Fulbright Scholars are somewhat rare, but a new opportunity has become available. The URL below provides information regarding the Distinguished Chair in Agricultural Technology and Education that will be located at Moscow State Agroengineering University named after V.P. Goryachkin (MSAU).
Please forward this opportunity to interested and qualified individuals. Applicants must be at the academic rank of associate professor or professor. The application deadline is 1 August 2012.
All teaching will be in English, and the Award is for either all teaching or teaching and research. If research is planned, then “Russian-language fluency sufficient to complete the research project is required.” Interested applicants are encouraged to review the “Special Features” and the Disciplines/Specializations sections of the announcement. Any questions can be directed to Dr. Valery Chumakov, the Vice-Rector of MSAU at (
ALS Coffee-May 21
Dear Chemistry, LPI, Public Health, and ALS Faculty Colleagues:
The ALS Department Heads invite you to our monthly ALS Faculty Coffee
and Social Hour, Monday, May 21, from 10:00-11:00 am. It will be hosted
by EMT this month and will be held in ALS 1019B). Coffee, tea and an assortment of
snacks will be provided.
The goal of the gathering is to foster and encourage personal
interactions and communication between individual faculty in the ALS
building. There is no specific program, it is simply an opportunity to
meet and greet your fellow faculty for some collegial conversation.
We look forward to the seeing you on Monday.
Chemistry Facebook Page
Chemistry now has a Facebook page. We’re using this page to network with new incoming grad students, spread the word about things happening in the department and share some of the fun stuff we do. Feel free to pop over and “Like” us!
Graduating Senior Pizza Feed & Exit Interviews
Thursday, June 7, 2012 6pm
Prof & Chair of Chemistry Rich Carter will be hosting a pizza get together and is very interested in feedback that you can offer on the chemistry program at OSU –”Admission” to the pizza party will require that you complete the short exit survey your ticket is your exit interview form.
Graduation Reception
The Chemistry department will host a complimentary light lunch for chemistry graduates & guests from noon-2:00 pm on Saturday June 16th in the lobby of Gilbert Addition. Following this there will be an informal ceremony to honor our graduates with a certificate and a class picture – please wear your cap and gown.