College of Science Colleagues:

I am writing to let you know that we are about to launch the national search for Dean of the College of Science. Dr Larry Rodgers, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Executive Dean of the Division of Arts and Sciences, will chair the search committee. I plan to invite the other committee members next week, and then to finalize a contract with an executive search firm and advertise the position in May. The majority of the recruitment activity will occur in late spring and over the summer. You will receive search updates along the way. Our goal is to interview finalists on campus early during Fall term.

Your engagement in this process will be important. First, if there are individuals you wish to nominate for the dean position, please email the details to Gigi Bruce, Special Assistant to the Provost, at your convenience. Our search firm will not rely solely on your nominations for the position. They will actively recruit candidates on our behalf, but your nominees will receive serious consideration. Later in the process, you will be invited to meet with finalists when they visit campus and your evaluative comments will be important to the search committee and to me as we consider how well each of the candidates meet our expectations for the position.

If you have questions regarding the search at any time, please contact Larry Rodgers or my office.

Sabah Randhawa

Provost and Executive Vice President


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