Dear Cochran Stakeholder,

Attached is the second list of training opportunities from the Cochran Fellowship Program (a third list will be sent out shortly).  Through this solicitation we wish to identify colleges, universities, and other organizations interested in conducting training programs for foreign agricultural specialists.  It is anticipated that these training programs will be undertaken between June and November of 2012.  The attachment lists countries, training topics, and a brief training overview for each topic.

If you are interested in assisting Cochran with one or more of these training programs please contact Cochran regional staff listed below by COB May 9th and indicate which training(s) you are interested in.  Those expressing interest in specific training opportunities will be provided a detailed scope of work as well as instructions for submitting proposals.

Asia:  Avis Watts-Massenburg



Latin America/Caribbean:       Kelly March



Africa & Middle East:  Marielsie Avila



Eastern Europe and Eurasia:  Desiree Thomas


I have also attached our current program description and a complete staffing list.

Deadline for Expressions of Interest:  COB May 9, 2012


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