On behalf of the Division Director of the Division of Materials Research, Dr. Ian Robertson, I would like to ask you to respond to the request below if your research is at the interface of Materials Research and Chemistry.

In response to the 2011 Committee of Visitors report on the Division of Materials Research, the Advisory Committee of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate at the National Science Foundation has charged a subcommittee with looking at future instrumentation and facility needs in the materials research community. As member of the chemistry community, we ask you to respond to this request only if your research is at the interface of Materials Research and Chemistry.

If your research meets this criterion, the subcommittee seeks your input.  With this email I invite and encourage you to participate in the upcoming public webinar on this topic.  The webinar is Wednesday Feb. 8 at 3:30-5 pm Eastern.  Please see the below link for a full explanation and for instructions how to register for the webinar.  It is important to register at least one day in advance.   Please circulate to anyone who may be interested, especially the heads of your instrument facilities or anyone with particular interest in instrumentation and instrumentation development in the area of materials chemistry.  Your input is essential as it will help shape the direction of future programs and investments in these areas.


If you cannot make the webinar, I encourage you to send your questions to materials2022@nsf.gov before March 5, 2012


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