
The spring COS-OMSI Science Communication Fellows Workshops registration is now open

The deadline to apply is November 22nd

OMSI’s Science Communication Fellowships support and prepare STEM professionals to communicate with a variety of audiences more effectively by participating in a series of interactive training workshops. It’s also a great opportunity to fullfill broader impacts goals for grant-funded research. The program is most beneficial to faculty, instructors, and graduate students engaged with a specific course of research. Undergraduates already working under a PI or Advisor’s direction may be considered for the program. Please inquire with specific scenarios to Andrew Haight (OMSI). For more information on the series, see

The OMSI Science Communication Fellows Spring Workshop dates are

  • Workshop 1: January 27, 1-4pm (at OSU)
  • Workshop 2: March 3, 1-4pm (at OSU)
  • Workshop 3: March 31, 1-4pm (at OSU)
  • Workshop 4: April 30, 1-5pm (in Portland, OR at OMSI)

The tuition is $1850 for the series. Note:

Application Process:  

  • Last day to submit application: Monday Nov 22nd
  • Applicants will be notified of acceptance and scholarship status: Thursday, December 6th
  • Due date for accepted applicants to send information for tuition sources: Friday, December 17th

For more information: see our Fellowship FAQ:

Please reach out to Andrew Haight at with any questions.


The Research Development Team

College of Science, Oregon State University

OSU’s Open Educational Resources Unit is accepting proposals for the Affordable Learning Grant. The ALG provides funding to adopt, adapt or author an open educational resource, such as a textbook. An open textbook is a textbook published under an open copyright license and made available online to be freely used by anyone. Questions? Contact

he Family Resource Center Kid’s Gift Closet helps provide gifts for children of OSU students during holidays and celebrations. To minimize points of contact, donations this year will take place via an Amazon registrythat ships directly to FRC, or you can shop at the Toy Factory in downtown Corvallis and leave the gift in our donation box. For more information, contact

Sustaining Excellence in Higher Education with Dr. Jasmine Crenshaw

Join us at the Fall 2021 Faculty, Food and Fun on November 9th from 4-6 PM! This 2-hour event will be hosted by InclusiveExcellence@OSU and feature a guest speaker, Dr. Jasmine Crenshaw.

Dr. Crenshaw is a nationally recognized leader at the intersection of diversity, inclusion, equity and higher education. Come connect with your colleagues and enjoy finger foods and beer/wine as you participate in a dynamic and interactive workshop about incorporating inclusive teaching practices.

This event will be a hybrid in-person and virtual workshop. Join us in person at the Horizon Room in the Memorial Union or remotely via Zoom. Click below for more information and to RSVP!

Click for more information and to RSVP

Become a science writer! For those who love science and storytelling: Develop your communication skills as a paid writer-intern in the College of Science. In this position, you will improve your science writing skills with mentors, get published in Impact, our online magazine and in print publications, and strengthen your resume or grad school application. Required: a love of science, mathematics or statistics and an appreciation and aptitude for writing. Several 15 hour/per week positions available. Write to for more information.