Registration for OSU Advantage Accelerator’s Accelerate program is open for the Spring 2023 cohort.  This program helps researchers explore the opportunity of expanding their societal impact – opening up new doors for research directions, new funding opportunities and important, real-world skills for students. A PNAS article has documented the positive benefits for both faculty and students by engaging with industry.  The program runs 3 – 5 pm on Tuesdays, starting April 11. 

More information about the program and a link to the application can be found here

The Read, Reflect, Reform book clubs use a blended format with two synchronous meetings (times set by the group, in person or remote) and asynchronous activities. Activities commence Spring Term 2023. You will receive free “Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom” (while supplies last). Register now. March 17 deadline.

In partnership with the Research Council, the Research Office is now accepting requests for Research Equipment Reserve Funds (RERF) applications.  Research Equipment Reserve Funds (RERF) may be used to acquire, repair, renovate, or improve capital equipment directly used for research.  Please share this announcement with interested faculty.

This opportunity requires matching funds in support of the purchase of the equipment.  For more details, guidelines, review criteria, and application forms, see the Office for Research Advancement – Research Equipment Reserve Fund page.  

NEW FOR 2023

  • Maximum Award request to the Research Office per application is increased to $200,000 (with a maximum of 2 awards at the $150,000 – $200,000 level). Smaller requests are also encouraged.
  • Use of the InfoReady portal is being piloted in for application submission.  At first login, please create an account with your ONID email.  User guides are available on the associated Home page.  Questions on InfoReady can be submitted to


  • RERF applications due – April 10, 2023  – 11:59 Pacific time. 
  • Review Process Begins April – mid-May
  • An announcement in late May


The RERF application to the Research Office is comprised of 3 components:

Details about these components are provided in the full RESEARCH EQUIPMENT RESERVE FUND (RERF) Application Instructions for 2023.

Questions – send to

Women Supporting Women: How to be an advocate and ally (presented by Ecampus Leadership). In celebration of Women’s History Month, PFLA welcomes a panel of women leaders from OSU Ecampus to discuss their experiences. Join us for an open dialogue on supporting and advocating for women in the workplace, 2-3 p.m., March 16 via Zoom. For more information about the event and how to register, click here.

Two instructor positions in General & Organic Chemistry ($60,000-70,000) in the Chemistry Department at Oregon State University

Both positions are full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term, starting on September 1, 2023, although earlier/later start dates may be negotiable, and a 9-month contract option is also negotiable. This is a renewable position and may be eligible for promotion upon achievement of the eligibility criteria and demonstration of a sustained record of exceptional achievement and evidence of professional growth and innovation in teaching and assigned duties. The salary range for this position is $60,000-70,000 depending on education/experience, in addition to a generous benefit plan. 

Position #1: E-Campus Instructor in General & Organic Chemistry 

Oregon State University (OSU) is a recognized leader in chemistry e-campus (on-line) instruction and is seeking applicants to meet growing student demand. This position will teach e-campus general chemistry and organic chemistry in an asynchronous online environment without live class meetings. A master’s in science (MS) degree in Chemistry or closely related fields is required. Prior on-line teaching experience and ability to develop new e-campus laboratory experiments are preferred.  Relocation is optional and opportunities exist for on-campus instruction as well. To review the full posting and apply,

Position #2: Organic and General Chemistry Laboratory Instructor 

The Department invites applications for a laboratory instructor focusing on undergraduate instruction and innovation in organic chemistry and general chemistry labs on campus. For this position, a significant amount of one-on-one teaching is involved, assisting in troubleshooting student lab projects/experiments and guiding students to develop lab, critical thinking, and professional writing skills. An MS in Chemistry or closely related fields is required, and prior laboratory teaching and Chemistry curriculum design experience is preferred. To review the full posting and apply,

Please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, contact information for three references, philosophy of laboratory teaching statement, and diversity statement online at the link provided above for each position. For full consideration, applications should be received by April 9, 2023.

OSU commits to inclusive excellence by advancing equity and diversity in all that we do. We are an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, and particularly encourage applications from members of historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ community members, and others who demonstrate the ability to help us achieve our vision of a diverse and inclusive community. 

he Oregon RD Network has contracted with the AtKisson Training Group (ATG) to hold a proposal writing workshop on May 25-26, with Oregon State Office for Research Advancement splitting the $12,000 cost of the event with Portland State University and University of Oregon. Faculty and staff from any Oregon institution of higher education may attend.   

Please encourage faculty in your College or unit to apply.   We would like to see all of the Colleges represented at the workshop.   If you have 3-5 specific nominations you would like to encourage, please email me ( and I will reach out to those faculty directly.  Otherwise, please share this announcement widely within your unit.

Proposal Writing Workshop: May 25-26, 2023

The Oregon Research Development Network (ORDN) is hosting an online workshop, Planning and Writing Successful Grant Proposals, presented by Dr. M. S. (Peg) AtKisson and Dr. Amanda Welch of the highly regarded AtKisson Training Group on Thursday, May 25, and Friday, May 26, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Participants will learn about the fundamental concepts of proposal planning and writing backed by concrete tips and operational strategies that support planning and longer-term sustainability. The attached flyer describes the seminar structure and expected outcomes.

This virtual seminar is designed for faculty from all disciplines and staff with research development or grant writing responsibilities. Faculty and staff from any public or private institution of higher education in Oregon are welcome to attend. 

Note that spaces are limited for this event, and the cost per participant is $50 for workshop materials. If registered attendees exceed workshop capacity, the ORDN will allocate spaces to support participation from a wide range of fields, institutions, and career stages.

The registration deadline is March 15, 2023. Notifications will go out to selected participants at the beginning of April with instructions about the means to pay the $50 workshop material costs at that time. 

Please direct questions about the workshop to

Time/Place: March 10, 2:30-5 p.m., Covell 117 with a reception beginning at 5 p.m.

RSVP  Please Register

All interested OSU faculty are invited to participate in an HP/OSU Technology Forum on March 10, 2:30-5 p.m., Covell 117 with a reception following.  

Goal:  Inform a broader group at OSU about HP and uncover areas of mutual interest and capability between HP and OSU that have good potential for collaborative research.  Areas of interest include microfluidics, life sciences, materials, and sensors.

Format:  HP presentations on capabilities, example research projects, technology roadmaps, and open research questions with active Q&A/discussion from both OSU and HP participants.

Forum Topics (draft):

·        Introduction – overview and objectives (10min)

·        HP-Corvallis technology capabilities – microfluidics and beyond (30min + 10min Q&A/discussion)

·        Current/recent research projects (25min + 10min Q&A/discussion)

·        Technology roadmaps and research questions (20min + 10min Q&A/discussion)

·        Summary and open discussion (20min)

Follow up:  In the weeks following the forum HP would like to hear from PIs with ideas for joint-proposals that we can refine together with a goal of securing federal funding.  Direct funding from HP could be used to accelerate work and to build stronger proposals.

At the forum, all attendees will hear research presentations from HP leading technologists, then have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss potential collaborations.   HP currently has three funds available for research projects.

1.      HP Seed Grants

2.      HP & OSU Research Collaboration Fund – Life Sciences and Microfluidics

3.      HP & OSU Sustainability Fund (we will not be discussing this particular fund at this gathering)

Please Register by March 6th.

This is an excellent opportunity to network with key HP technologists and leadership. 

Best regards,

Brady Gibbons

Brady J. Gibbons
Associate Dean for Research 
Professor of Materials Science
College of Engineering
Oregon State University

The Department of Chemistry at Oregon State University invites applicants for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month Laboratory Technician 1. Hourly wage range is

$15.59-22.62, based on experience, plus benefits. The Laboratory Technician 1 provides support to the Lab Manager, the Laboratory Coordinator, the instructors, and the graduate teaching assistants by assisting with routine duties in the undergraduate chemistry teaching labs. To review posting and apply, go to

Closing date is March 12, 2023.

OSU commits to inclusive excellence by advancing equity and diversity in all that we do. We are an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, and particularly encourage applications from members of historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ community members, and others who demonstrate the ability to help us achieve our vision of a diverse and inclusive community.

Join CTL’s Spring 2023 Resilient Teaching Faculty Learning Community. This cross-disciplinary group will meet on Zoom and explore pedagogical strategies to adapt to the changing teaching and learning landscape and to build resilience into our teaching practices. See call for participation and submit an expression of interest by March 6.

Dear Colleagues,

The Oregon Space Grant Consortium is pleased to announce the Spring 2023 Oregon Internship Opportunity Network (OrION) call for internship proposals

We are accepting proposals from faculty for 10-week, half-time (20 hrs/week) funded undergraduate spring internships. Women, underserved and underrepresented groups in STEM, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to participate.

Mentors may be OSU faculty or faculty from other member institutions. Mentors must be committed to guiding and encouraging students through this process, which may be the student’s first research experience.


We know this is a tight turnaround and may be difficult to achieve. In light of that, we will continue receiving submissions for spring internships of prorated length as long as funds are available. 

To find the submission form and to learn more, visit our faculty information page.

Students filling these funded internships must be selected from the pool of students who have applied to the OrION program. Please direct students to our student information page for additional information and to submit an application. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send them to me! You can also join us on Zoom tomorrow (Feb. 23) from 1–3 p.m. during our virtual office hours.

We are eager to continue building the OrION database of student opportunities, and we look forward to receiving your submissions! We encourage you to share this opportunity broadly to your colleagues and students.

Meghan Megowan
Oregon NASA Space Grant
Space Grant Program Coordinator