Club meets on Tuesdays, 3:15-4:45pm, at Garfield Elementary School, from April 18–May 16.


  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Microbiology
  • Simple and Powered Machines, and
  • “Brain Gym”.

Undergraduate women studying science and engineering at OSU will lead and be mentors for the clubs. Cost is $75. Scholarships available. To register, please visit:

For information, please visit: For questions, call 541-737-8139 or email

Course proposals now being accepted from academic and professional faculty to serve as instructors in one of 35 anticipated fall U-Engage courses. More information about U-Engage, including the link to the online application, shared learning outcomes, responsibilities of instructors and support provided are available at: For more information, contact Spirit Brooks, The deadline for submission extended to Monday, March 27, 8 p.m.

OSU Community,

OSU Mobile is now available for download on iOS and Android devices. For more information and links to download the app, go to

Note: you are among the first to receive word of this new offering! We will be working with our partners across the university in the coming weeks and months to ensure that our students know about the app.

OSU Mobile was designed to serve the entire OSU community, but our initial objective is to leverage the app to improve the student experience at the Corvallis campus.

•   Know what campus restaurants are open, their hours of operation, and where they are
•   Have your class schedule, locations, discussions, and grades at the ready
•   Search the directory for OSU faculty, staff, and students
•   Stay safe and healthy with emergency numbers and other support contacts
•   And much more!

How you can help
•   Download OSU Mobile
•   Explore the features and functions of the app
•   Share your feedback or questions from students with us

I would also like to introduce Ed Lee, our new Mobile Experience Manager.  Please contact Ed with your ideas for improving student success with mobile computing.  You can reach Ed at

Very Best Regards,


Derek Whiteside
Director, Web & Mobile Services
Information Services | Oregon State University

Nominations are being accepted for the Karel J.H. Murphy Professional Faculty Leadership and Service Award  The award recognizes a professional faculty member who provides outstanding leadership and service both in their department and in programs or organizations across the Oregon State University community. The award honors ongoing, strategic, progressive leadership, and administrative support and service among Professional Faculty and other OSU employees. The award winner receives recognition during the OSU’s University Day program, an engraved clock and a $1,000 check. Nominations due April 14. For more information,

If you are hoping to showcase your innovative and creative teaching at the Center for Teaching and Learning’s spring symposium now is the time to submit your proposal. Celebrating Teaching Excellence, is a fun event that fosters reflection, enhances the exchange of ideas, and inspires our collective commitment to our students and the art of teaching. Progressive family-style lunch and rotating conversations are hallmarks of this celebration. On Wednesday, April 26 from 11-2, if you (and colleagues and/or students) would like to showcase your work at a round table, please fill out the short application proposal by March 24.  Don’t be shy…apply!

Dear colleagues ,

As part of OSU’s inaugural Graduate Student Appreciation Week (May 1-5), the Graduate School is hosting a university-wide Graduate Showcase and Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition.  These two events provide an opportunity for graduate students from all colleges and majors to demonstrate and celebrate their scholarship, research and creative activities in a supportive environment. The 3MT offers $2,000 in cash prizes and a chance to represent Beaver Nation at the statewide 3MT competition.

*All Graduate Showcase and 3MT submissions are due by April 12.*
Additional information about both can be found at the link above.

To help interested students prepare, the Graduate School is offering an information session where participants can learn the rules, requirements, and tips for success for the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition and the Graduate Showcase.
Event: Information and Inspiration Session for the 3MT and Graduate Showcase
Date and Time: Thursday March 16, 3-4pm
Location: Memorial Union (MU) 206

Please support the Graduate Showcase and 3MT event by forwarding this message to your graduate students and appropriate colleagues. We hope that you will join us in May to celebrate OSU’s graduate students and their accomplishments.


Jessica (White) Beck, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean, Graduate Student Development
Graduate School, Oregon State University
413 Learning Innovation Center (LInC)
Corvallis, OR 97331

Participants who complete receive $500.00 in professional development funds.

Dear Colleagues,

What does excellence in the classroom looks like?  Let’s take a look at the research.  Encourage faculty to join this Spring’s Professional Learning Community, Teaching Triads.

In this learning community participants will support student success by examining and applying:

·        High yield instructional strategies based on recent cognition research
·        Methods of classroom data collection
·        Intellectual coaching that inspires reflection and modification of teaching to further support student success

The MOU is located at  Participants who complete receive $500.00 in professional development funds.

We will continue to accept MOUs until April 3rd. Please encourage interested folks to join this engaging and enlightening PLC.

A more in-depth description of this hybrid learning community is below.  Thank you for your consideration.
With care,

Kay M. Sagmiller, Ph.D.
Center for Teaching and Learning Director
Oregon State University
(541) 737-2819
Office: LinC 400 E

Teaching Triad Description
What? This Professional Learning Community (PLC) is designed to engage trios of faculty around structured teaching observations and intellectual coaching. Through reciprocal observations, feedback, and dialogue participants collaboratively address questions, needs, and opportunities in the advancement of teaching. The work is intended to be supportive, formative, and voluntary (not evaluative).

Why?  Peer Observations are the most frequently acknowledged method for improving teaching. Teaching Triads promotes effective teaching observations in which preparation and a unique set of skills are developed (Berk, 2006, 2014; Marzano & Simms, 2013; Costa & Garmston, 2002; Knapper, 2001; Theall & Franklin 2001; Braskamp, 2000).

How?  Teaching Triads uses a hybrid course design to: 1) develop trust and rapport with cross-curricular colleagues; 2) engage in formalized intellectual coaching; 3) practice research-based methods of collecting and analyzing teaching data; and 4) investigate connections between observation data, changes in teaching practice, and professional renewal.