
Delson Bridge to the Future Fund: Opened October 5, 2017

Deadline for Nominations:  October 23, 2017 at 5PM

The Graduate School administers an endowment fund created to honor Irma Delson, who dedicated her many years at OSU to serving students from all over the world. The Delson Bridge to the Future Fund is designed to assist students in the final phase of their graduate education to pay research expenses, publication costs, and other incidentals that stand in the way of completing their studies.

It is anticipated that up to two awards will be given.

For eligibility criteria, award guidelines, and nomination procedures, visit: http://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/finance/awards/delson-bridge



Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan Program

Deadline for Nominations:  October 23, 2017 at 5PM 

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan Program which was created by the estate of Jesse Bell for the purpose of providing loans for worthy graduate students of high scholastic standing to enable their pursuit of graduate study in an OUS institution.

These non-need-based loans are available on a one-time basis to enrolled graduate students to assist with educational and/or research expenses associated with their advanced degree. Loans up to $5,000 are anticipated, and will be dependent upon the merits of the case, the loan demand, and the current balance available in the loan fund. Requests exceeding $5,000 will be considered on an exception basis.

It is anticipated that up to three awards will be given.

For eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, and application procedures, visit:   http://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/finance/awards/jesse-bell


Deadline for Nominations: November 1, 2017 by 5PM

Every quarter, the Graduate School administers the Graduate Student Travel Award;graduate student travel to conferences is essential for the professional development of our students. The travel funds from this program are designed to provide graduate students with financial support to cover part of the cost of attending and presenting their scholarly achievements at prestigious conferences and venues.

Approximately 10 awards will be made per quarter. The maximum award will be $500 for domestic travel and $1,000 for international travel.

For eligibility criteria, award guidelines, and nomination procedures, visit: http://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/awards/travel-award

Greetings, customers and colleagues,

You are invited to staff appreciation events on Wednesday and Thursday, October 25th and 26th, between 12 and 3 pm each day. The events are hosted at the Recycling and Surplus warehouse (a.k.a. OSUsed Store) at 644 SW 13th Street. Come enjoy snacks and giveaways, and learn more about surplus and recycling programs.

Along with snacks, attendees will be offered a free reusable bag, an entry into a drawing for a Beaver fan basket, and a coupon good for free delivery of an OSU purchase in October or November (while supplies last).

Special presentations will be offered each day at 12:00 – 12:30 pm: “How to Recycle at your Campus Event” on Wednesday (register here) and “Surplus and Recycling Pick-up Requests 101” on Thursday (register here). Pre-registration is encouraged for these presentations.

Guided tours will be offered at 12:30 pm and 2 pm and informational materials will be displayed throughout the event for those who would like to peruse on their own to get to know the store and the surplus and recycling programs we offer.

These events are open to OSU employees only. Purchases may be made at the event if they are for your OSU department and paid for using a department index.

Learn more about our programs on our websites for Campus Recycling and Surplus Property.

The Department of Chemistry at Colorado State University, located in Fort Collins, CO, seeks to hire at least one tenure-track faculty member. While exceptional candidates from all areas of chemical science are encouraged to apply, those with research interests in analytical and/or experimental physical chemistry are of particular interest. Exceptional candidates will be able to contribute to current research strengths in chemical biology, environmental chemistry, and materials chemistry.
We aim to fill this position at the Assistant Professor level, but will consider exceptional candidates at the Associate Professor rank. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree and be capable of outstanding teaching, scholarship, and research. Postdoctoral experience is highly desirable. Complete applications must include a detailed CV, descriptions of research plans and teaching interests, and the names of at least three references.
For more information or to apply see http://jobs.colostate.edu/postings/50249. Questions regarding the searches should be directed to Chair, Faculty Search Committee, CHEM_search@mail.colostate.edu. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled; applications completed by 11:59 PM (MT) on November 10th, 2017 will receive full consideration. Files of semifinalists (including reference letters) will be available to all Chemistry Department regular faculty. CSU is an EO/EA/AA employer. Colorado State University conducts background checks on all final candidates.

Training Days, scheduled for Nov. 7 and 8 at The LaSells Stewart Center, is open for registration! OSU subject experts will introduce you to the latest policies, procedures, technical processes and systems, innovations, tools and tips so you can carry out your work with ease. Topics are relevant to academic faculty, professional faculty and classified employees. Register early as spaces fill quickly. There is no cost to attend.

The Office of Human Resources is sponsoring the following financial and retirement workshops.    We look forward to seeing you there.

Financial Workshops, presented by TIAA (formerly TIAA-CREF).

To Register visit the OSU Professional Development website (http://oregonstate.edu/training/)

[Tip: To find the workshop, use the  category search = “Employee Benefits”]

October 23, 2017 The Starting Line: Why and how retirement saving should begin now.  Smart steps in the beginning of your career can help lead you to a more solid financial future. Workshop leader will help you understand how debt should be managed, the real effect of time on money, and the keys to budgeting and saving. 9am-10am MU206
October 23, 2017 Halfway There: A retirement Checkup.  Don’t let retirement sneak up on you. It’s

never too late (or too early) to start saving for your future. TIAA’s workshop leader will discuss how planning ahead can give your savings an opportunity to grow.

11am-Noon MU206
October 23, 2017 Paying Yourself: Income Options in Retirement.  Do you know how you’ll pay yourself in retirement? There’s a lot to consider, including tax implications. Workshop will provide an overview of different income options and discuss when you may need to tap into your retirement funds. 1:30pm-2:30pm MU206
For all employees


TIAA provides articles, tools, and videos to help you prepare for retirement.  Visit the TIAA Oregon Public Universities website.  
PERS Workshops: To Register visit the OSU Professional Development website (http://oregonstate.edu/training/)

[Tip: To find the workshop, use the  category search = “Employee Benefits”]

Fall 2017

Throughout the State

PERS offers workshops throughout the State, to register for a workshop in your area please select the appropriate Workshop for your below:  

·         Tier 1 & Tier 2 members PERS Educational Workshops

·         OPSRP members PERS Educational Workshops


Or, visit the PERS website at:  http://www.oregon.gov/PERS , In the RESOURSES – Education Sessions Section, select either Tier 1/2 or OPSRP. 

October 24, 2017



PERS:  Retirement Readiness for PERS Tier 1 & Tier 2 members (previously 1-Year to Retirement for Tier 1/2 Members).  For PERS Tier 1 & 2 members that will be retiring in less than 3 years.  Topics will include the IAP, Online Member Services, retirement eligibility, calculating retirement benefit, review of benefit estimate and retirement options. 1pm-3pm  MU 213
December 13, 2017


PERS:  All About OPSRP.  An overview of the PERS OPSRP pension program including membership, benefit, retirement eligibility, Online Member Services, OPSRP benefit estimates, retirement process, and the Individual Account Program (IAP).

This workshop is for PERS OPSRP members and employees currently serving their 6-month waiting period.  An OPSRP member is an employee that established membership in the PERS OPSRP pension program after August 2003. 

12:30pm-2:30pm MU 208
December 13, 2017 PERS: Introduction to PERS Retirement – PERS Tier 1 & Tier 2 members. For PERS Tier 1 & 2 members that will be retiring in more than 3 years.  Topics will include the IAP, Online Member Services, retirement eligibility, calculating retirement benefit, review of benefit estimate and retirement options. 8:30am-10:30am  MU 208
Financial Workshops, presented by Fidelity.
For all employees


Fidelity will be offering On-demand webinars on a variety of topics by the end of October. Workshops will be on the Fidelity’s Oregon Public Universities website.  Click on the tab titled  “Workshops” On-demand Webinars
TIAA:  1-to-1 Financial Consultations.  To Register, call 800.732.8353 or schedule online at www.tiaa-cref.org/ScheduleNow
Couple of spots still available in November (December TBA)

November 8 & 9, 2017

Visit TIAA at: www.tiaa-cref.org/ScheduleNow for more information or call 800.732.8353  
FIDELITY:  1-to-1 Financial Consultations.  To Register, go to the Fidelity web site.
October 19, 2017

November 6, 13, 21, 2017

December 1, 6, 11, 12, 2017

Visit the Fidelity website at: https://nb.fidelity.com/public/nb/default/fort  

Employee Benefits Workshop website: http://hr.oregonstate.edu/benefits/current-employees/workshops-and-events

If you have any questions, please contact Employee Benefits at 541.737.2805 or by email atemployee.benefits@oregonstate.edu.


Employee Benefits | Office of Human Resources |

Oregon State University | Direct: 541.737.2805 | Fax: 541.737.0553 |

Location:  204 Kerr Admin Bldg | Mailing: 122 Kerr Admin Bldg | Corvallis, OR 97331-2132 | Go Beavs!


As you may know, the OSU Chemistry Club is a student chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS). The ACS offers some fantastic opportunities for students involved in chemistry and education research.

The 255th National Meeting Travel Grant ($300) is available to one student eager to share their research at the upcoming meeting in New Orleans which takes place March 18-22, 2018. The grant is often matched by the OSU Chemistry Department or the College of Science! Students who are interested need to contact their PI or a professor of choice to request a nomination. The deadline for nominations is November 15th.

Please view the link below for more info.



Hello – I am contacting you to let you know about a full time temporary teaching position at Centralia College.  The assignment starts in Winter Quarter (January).

If you have any students with recent Master’s or higher degrees, or that are about to defend, I would love to have them apply.  This will most likely turn into a tenure track job.

If you would pass on my contact info I’d appreciate it.  I’m also posting the job link.




Thank you for any help you can provide!

Karen Goodwin

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Centralia College



Greetings OSU students, staff and faculty.

In looking at the year ahead and the busyness of integrating our work and family lives we want to highlight and share a number of unique services and programs OSU offers in support of work-life and families with dependent care needs.


Quarterly workshops designed for students and employees who have taken a leave of absence for the arrival of a child and are returning to their work and studies. http://familyresources.oregonstate.edu/FRCevents

Beaver Family Connections

Bring your lunch from 12-1pm and join in on interesting topics and discussions related to your child’s development and your family health and well-being. There are three series that focus on different age ranges: baby, childhood and tween/teens. Open to all students, staff and faculty. http://familyresources.oregonstate.edu/FRCevents


Through the support of the Office of the Provost, all members of the OSU campus community may access Care.comthrough our institutional membership for FREE! With OSU’s portal you can search for care providers near you without paying membership costs. Search for providers of child care, adult & senior care, pet care, housekeeping and more. Visit http://www.care.com/OSU to create a free profile using your OSU email address.

ElderCare Connections

Join us for monthly, lunch hour, informational meetings and discussions about what it means to be a caregiver and how to optimally support the ones you love and yourself. Bring friends, colleagues, and whoever else you feel could benefit from these sessions, we are open to everyone. http://familyresources.oregonstate.edu/FRCevents

Flexible Work Arrangements  

OSU is committed to being a great place to work, learn and flourish; and to creating and sustaining healthy environments that enable community members to live productive, balanced and engaged lives. In an effort to confirm this commitment, OSU supports the use of flexible work arrangements (FWA) in situations where there is a mutual benefit to the employee and university. Look for A Guide to Flexible Work Arrangements at OSU, coming soon!

Lactation Support

OSU has a network of over 30 well-appointed campus lactation roomshttp://familyresources.oregonstate.edu/lactation-rooms in addition to free lactation parking permits to facilitate on campus nursing sessions.  For additional information and to obtain a free copy of Nursing Mother, Working Mother contact the Family Resource Center at 541-737-4906 or familyresources@oregonstate.edu.

Family Spaces

The Family Resource Center @ Avery Lodge and the MU Family Lounge (on the west side of the main floor living room) are both comfortable places to spend time with young children.http://familyresources.oregonstate.edu/family-spaces



Susan and Dan


Susan Capalbo                                                                                Dan Larson

Senior Vice Provost                                                                        Interim Vice Provost for Student Affairs

Oregon State University                                                                Oregon State University

susan.capalbo@oregonstate.edu                                                 dan.larson@oregonstate.edu