Chemistry Department,


June 16th is the last day to place orders until July 1, 2017.

We are quickly coming to the end of 2017 Fiscal Year.  The last day of the Fiscal Year is June 30th.  As most of you are aware, we, Purchasing, stop placing orders the last two weeks of the year to allow Vendors’ Invoices to clear the business centers.  This year, the last day that orders will be placed is Friday June 16th.  After June 16th, only ‘emergency orders will be placed and will require a written explanation on why an order is an “emergency”.  If you place your own orders, please hold them between June 17th to June 30th.

We will build shopping carts and order list so that we can place orders quickly the first week of July.  Note:  That the first week in July includes the Fourth of July Holiday and will be a short work week.

As far as other Fiscal year purchasing closures here is the letter from Alex Sims for other purchasing milestones.

There are few year end close deadlines that are fast approaching that I wanted to draw attention to.

  • Last day to submit current year requisitions over $150,000             5/12/2017
  • PYAREDs Opens for redistributions           6/1/2017
  • YEC Process Training 6/6/2017
  • Last day to submit current year requisitions between $25,000 – $149,000                6/9/2017

The complete YEC schedule will be released by the end of next week, along with details about training opportunities.

Thank you,


Alex Sims

Manager of Vendor Payment Operations

100B Kerr Admin Building, Corvallis, OR 97331

Linus Pauling Residents,
Thursday, June 8th 2017 at 9:00 AM; I will be escorting Corvallis Fire Marshal, Jim Patton, for our annual Fire Code Building Inspection. Before then, if each group would review the checklists and ensure that their areas are ready for inspection, it will make the process go much faster.
Thank you,
Rusty Root
Coordinator-Building Services
Chem Purchasing/Facilities/Building Management
Oregon State University, Department of Chemistry
143 Gilbert Hall, Corvallis OR 97331-8546
Purchasing Business:
All Other Business:
PH: 541-737-6722
Cell: 541-231-9243

Good Morning,
We are going to be replacing some failed motors on the exhaust fan system at Linus Pauling. This
will affect all fume hoods. The dates for this work is June 21st thru June 23rd. All fume hoods will
have low flow so they will be inoperable during this time. There will be a shutdown notice coming
out and then as we get closer I will send out a reminder.


Richard Olsen
Maintenance Supervisor Mechanical |Steam
Facilities Services | Oregon State University
560 SW 15th Street | Corvallis, Oregon 97331
Phone: 541-737-7025 | Fax: 541-737-4681 |

May 24, 2017


To Members of the President’s Cabinet and Provost’s Council:


As you know, Oregon State’s Corvallis campus has experienced frequent power outages affecting teaching, research and other important university operations. I recognize that these outages are more than just a minor inconvenience, particularly for faculty and students involved in sensitive research, as well as teaching and studies.


I want to assure you that Finance and Administration leadership has been working to resolve problems associated both with the university’s on-campus power grid and with the delivery of reliable power by Pacific Power, the regional energy supplier that serves the Corvallis community and the campus.



Pacific Power owns the Corvallis campus power grid and is responsible for the grid’s maintenance and capital improvements. The university pays an annual lease for the use of the grid, in addition to the cost of energy consumed.


Between January 1, 2010 and May 15, 2017, Oregon State’s Corvallis campus experienced 111 power outages: 43 were due to events occurring on campus; 52 outages resulted from off-campus events that affected electrical service to campus; and the remaining 16 outages were planned events for maintenance purposes involving the campus power grid.


The reasons for power outages are wide-ranging and often are compounded by extreme weather events. Some outages are unpredictable and may be caused by issues such as downed trees, heavy rains, freezing rain or auto accidents. Yet, some of the power failures we have experienced are due to mechanical failures involving cables, switches, transformers and other aspects of the power system. These sorts of failures are preventable through increased investment in equipment and maintenance.


Currently, 44 buildings on campus have backup generators that provide at least partial interim power to supply critical building systems during outages. Over the last four years, Facilities Services has installed large power generators that can fully power entire buildings at Dryden Hall, Milam Hall and the Pharmacy Building. In 2016, Facilities Services began a six-year plan to install 12 new full-building power generators at key research and teaching buildings across the Corvallis campus. This work has been done with the Research Office to prioritize the six-year plan and projects. Without question, the backup generators are viewed as an additional measure to protect critical campus safety and operational needs during emergencies and outages, and complement long-term solutions that address the core issues with power stability.


Finance and Administrative leadership and Capital Planning and Facilities Services staff have been working with Pacific Power to identify ways to improve the overall reliability of Oregon State’s power grid through both short-term improvements and long-range investments.


Short-term Measures

Pacific Power has committed to complete $800,000 in equipment upgrades during 2017. This work includes $400,000 in upgrades to an off campus substation located along Northwest Grant Avenue and $100,000 to increase capacity at the 35th Street substation. These upgrades will immediately improve the reliability of the power supply to campus. The utility company will assign response personnel who are dedicated to the OSU campus; provide additional training for Oregon State employees; and will reduce time needed for repairs by keeping OSU-specific materials on hand.  At the same time, the university and Pacific Power are drafting a new service agreement that will better address OSU’s business needs and provide for improved repair crew response time when issues do occur.


Long-term Investments

Pacific Power is implementing a long-term reliability plan that will improve the design of underground electrical vaults located on the OSU campus and increase the frequency of proactive equipment inspection. The utility has provided OSU a five-year plan to replace outdated oil-switches across campus. Pacific Power also is examining a modernization program to improve the sustainability and energy storage of the campus grid.


Pacific Power’s long-term regional strategy also seeks to address power transmission matters beyond the university’s campus energy grid. It has developed a plan to address issues with energy transmission and substation reliability through technology upgrades, capital investments, and improved data analysis.


OSU Electrical Energy Sustainability Plan

Concurrent with Pacific Power’s efforts, the university has engaged with third-party consultants to identify on-campus power grid improvements necessary to meet the existing and future needs of Oregon State’s academic, research and outreach missions. The Electrical Energy Sustainability Plan, which is expected to be complete by the end of June, is focused on reliability, safety and efficiency and will take into consideration needs, costs and OSU’s goal to be carbon-neutral by 2025.  Implementation of the plan will be incorporated into OSU’s ten-year business forecast.


Next Steps

Finance and Administration leaders and Capital Planning and Facilities Services staff will continue to work closely with Pacific Power to make immediate upgrades and improvements, and monitor progress on long-range plans. Decisions made this summer about the proposed Electrical Energy Sustainability Plan and updates regarding the campus power grid will be shared with the President’s Cabinet and Provost’s Council – and the OSU community – as information is available.


If you have questions or concerns, please contact Anita Azarenko (, Associate Vice President for Capital Planning and Facilities Services, or Mike Green (, Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration.

In the near future (per OSU WebViewer

Gilbert Hall:
Saturday, June 10th
GILB 124, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM; MIME Class CRN : 60635
GILB 224, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM; MIME Class CRN : 60635

Gilbert Addition:
None at this time.

Linus Pauling Science Center:
None at this time.

The Fall 2017 ACS Graduate Student Symposium Planning Committee (GSSPC) is requesting applications to compete for the Fall 2018 ACS GSSPC. ​The GSSPC was developed by the American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Chemical Education (CHED) for graduate students to contribute to the ACS National Meeting by providing an exceptional atmosphere of learning and networking through a student organized symposium. A GSSPC comprised of 6-8 students is selected for each national ACS meeting and tasked with generating a unique symposium theme and organizing the entire event, including fundraising, speaker recruitment, and logistical arrangements.
In order to apply, please email your application packet to by Thursday, June 1st. Required application items include:
1. A one-page mission statement
2. Two proposed symposia themes, each with a list and brief bio of 8-12 proposed speakers
3. A short biography for each member of your committee.
If you have any questions or concerns please visit our website ( or email us

Dear Valued Thermo Fisher Scientific Customer,

We are writing to notify you that we are discontinuing several Molecular Biology products sold under the Thermo Scientific™, Applied Biosystems™ and Invitrogen™ brands as of September 1, 2017. You are receiving this letter because you have ordered one or more of these products in the last 24 months.


To support your research, we have posted the full list of products to be discontinued and suggested alternatives which are of equal or superior performance at If you are unable to find a suitable replacement on this webpage or if you have questions, please contact your local sales representative or our customer care teams for additional assistance.

Products scheduled for discontinuation will be available until August 31, 2017, or until inventory is depleted, whichever comes first.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your continued support of Thermo Fisher Scientific products.


Jeff Briganti

Director, Market Development

Molecular Biology

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Effective Date(s): June 18th 6:00 pm – June 26th, 2017 8:00 am
Each year Facilities Services performs necessary maintenance on the university’s steam system, which requires shutting off the steam throughout campus, to complete maintenance services at the plant, throughout the steam tunnels and in each building. This process affects hot water supply, heating, and all equipment that uses steam, campus wide. The steam shutdown for 2017 will occur June 18th 6:00 pm – June 26th, 2017 8:00 am.
For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.
Closures are often subject to changes and delays, so please visit the OSU Campus Closures, Shutdowns, and Detours page for updates on this and other campus closures.
Please forward this notice to anyone who would benefit from this information.

Oregon State Ecampus invites faculty, staff and administrators to pursue professional development related to online and hybrid education. Further your professional goals while promoting effective teaching and learning in OSU’s online and hybrid courses. Funding is available for professorial faculty and professional faculty and advisors. The application deadline is June 7, so learn more and apply online today.