Applications for the L.L. Stewart Faculty Development Fund are due Friday, April 30. The fun provides individual faculty members with grants of up to $2,200, and up to $4,400 for joint proposals in each funding cycle for professional development activities that have a clear connection to the enhancement of teaching and student learning at OSU. Applications and guidelines are available at:

The Research Office is accepting applications for the Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Creativity (URISC) program for Summer term 2015 and Fall, Winter and/or Spring term(s) 2015-16. This program supports undergraduate research activities from all academic disciplines within the university. NOTE: the program description and application have been revised:  Information: Debbie Delmore at Deadline: April 13.

The Teva Pharmaceuticals Scholars grants program will begin accepting proposals on March 16th. Proposals are due by May 1st.

The Teva Pharmaceuticals Scholars grants program is administered by the ACS Office of Research Grants with funding provided by Teva Pharmaceuticals. The program is a philanthropic grant program that supports academic researchers in the fields of organic and medicinal chemistry.

Award Information
Amount: $100,000 per year for 3 years
Number of awards: 3
Award period: September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2018

An applicant must be a recently-tenured faculty member of a PhD-granting department in the United States.

Research Area and Evaluation Criteria
Applications for the Teva Pharmaceuticals Scholars grants must propose research in the area of organic chemistry, with potential or direct connections with medicinal or pharmaceutical chemistry, such that the successful results would be of potential practical benefit to the discovery of organic compounds useful as human medicines. Proposals are evaluated on: a) scientific merit, creativity and novelty; and b) addressing unexplored fields in organic and/or medicinal chemistry. General aspects of research proposals will also be considered, such as: Is the project achievable within the time frame? Are the personnel and facilities adequate? Does the applicant consider and address potential problems?

Multiple submissions are allowed assuming separate PIs. The Foundation Services office can assist in the proposal writing process


Request for Proposals in Support of Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others.*  Open textbooks and course materials are digital in format and made freely available online.   Free and open textbooks and course materials are being developed in many disciplines at a fast and growing rate and are funded by organizations such as the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.  Oregon State University is committed to supporting this endeavor.  To that end, Open Oregon State is a unit that has been created within Extended Campus to assist faculty in the research, use and creation of open educational resources.

Open Oregon State and the office of Summer Session are partnering to pilot a program to encourage the use of open textbooks and other course materials in order to address textbook/course material affordability for our students.

Proposals for the use of open educational textbooks and course materials for use in a face-to-face Corvallis or Hatfield Summer Session course are now being accepted.

Funding for accepted proposals is up to $1,000 per course.

Open Oregon State will assist faculty in finding and evaluating suitable open textbooks and course materials for their Summer Session course.   Summer Session agrees to highlight courses that have adopted OERs at no cost to students.  The faculty member agrees to use the open textbook and/or course materials in their Summer Session course.
In addition, the faculty member agrees to submit a 1-2 page review of the textbook/course materials that were used in the course, addressing the suitability of the materials for use in future courses using these review criteria.  This RFP and the Review Criteria are also attached.

For more information, contact:

Dianna Fisher                                    Claire Cross
Open Oregon State                            OSU Summer Session
541-737-8658                                   541-737-3107

*Defined by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
OOS_Summer RFP 2-19-15

Open Materials Review Criteria 2_13_15

The Research Office is accepting applications for the Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Creativity (URISC) program for Summer term 2015. This program supports undergraduate research activities from all academic disciplines within the university. NOTE: the program description and application have been revised:  Information: Debbie Delmore at Deadline: April 13.

The Oregon State University Libraries is seeking nominations  for the annual Library Undergraduate Research Award. This award recognizes and rewards OSU undergraduate students who, through the comprehensive use of the OSU Libraries, demonstrate outstanding research, scholarship, and originality in writing a paper or completing a project. Students must write their research papers or complete their research projects as part of their coursework at OSU. The intent of this award is to foster outstanding information literacy skills through the extensive and sophisticated use of the library services, resources and collections. The deadline is Jan. 31.  For details:

Eric Englund Memorial Postgraduate Scholarship
Deadline for Nominations: February 16, 2015
Information and Nomination Instructions:

Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship
Deadline for Nominations: March 9, 2015
Information and Nomination Instructions:

To see a matrix of all scholarships/fellowships administered by the Graduate School, click here:  2015-16 Scholarships and Fellowships

P.F. and Nellie Buck Yerex Graduate Fellowship
Deadline for Nominations February 2, 2015
Lenore Bayley Graduate Fellowship
Deadline for Nominations February 2, 2015
Thurgood Marshall Graduate Scholarship
Deadline for Nominations February 16, 2015
Graduate Diversity Recruitment Bonus
Deadline for Nominations February 16, 2015
Diversity Advancement Pipeline Fellowship
Deadline for Nominations February 16, 2015
To see a matrix of all scholarships/fellowships administered by the Graduate School, click here:  2015-16 Scholarships and Fellowships

Attached you will find a booklet and poster announcing the Nuclear Nonproliferation International Safeguards Graduate Fellowship Program (NNIS) for the 2015-2016 Award cycle.

This program is designed to meet the needs of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) for appropriately trained personnel in research and development in areas pertinent to Nuclear Nonproliferation and International Safeguards (NNIS).  Increasing costs for graduate education and a high demand for nuclear-related scientists and engineers with a bachelor’s degree have had a negative impact on the number of well-qualified students seeking advanced degrees in nuclear technologies and sciences.  This problem has been particularly acute in programs in nuclear materials, engineering, nuclear science and engineering, radiochemistry and health physics, which has resulted in the closure of several programs and declining graduate school enrollments over the past two decades. This fellowship seeks to build collaboration between the leading nuclear technology programs and the schools studying the policy aspects of nuclear nonproliferation. The primary emphasis of this fellowship is to produce doctoral graduates who are familiar with both the technical and policy aspects of nonproliferation and international safeguards.

We hope you will print and prominently display the attached poster. Please forward the attached booklet to anyone interested and encourage students to apply for this program.  This program description and all electronic application materials can be found on

NNIS Poster 2015

NNIS 2015 Booklet