Brief synopsis:

NSF’s Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Big Idea is a national-scale activity to enable new modes of data-driven discovery that will allow fundamental questions to be asked and answered at the frontiers of science and engineering. Through this NSF-wide activity, HDR will generate new knowledge and understanding, and accelerate discovery and innovation. The HDR vision is realized through an interrelated set of efforts in:

• Foundations of data science;
• Algorithms and systems for data science;
• Data-intensive science and engineering;
• Data cyberinfrastructure; and
• Education and workforce development.

Each of these efforts is designed to amplify the intrinsically multidisciplinary nature of the emerging field of data science. The HDR Big Idea will establish theoretical, technical, and ethical frameworks that will be applied to tackle data-intensive problems in science and engineering, contributing to data-driven decision-making that impacts society.

The Chemistry Department at Pacific Lutheran University will be hiring a part-time instructor for our spring 2019 semester. I had previously advertised for this position through your office, but no applications were received. We revised our application to include Master’s and ABD students in hopes that this might increase interest in the position.

Clark College currently is accepting applications for a full-time tenure track instructor in Chemistry starting in Fall 2019 academic year. The successful candidate will provide instruction in general chemistry courses for science and engineering (STEM) majors, the preparatory course associated with the majors’ sequence and/or non-science majors’ courses in Chemistry.
Application materials are available online.


The position closes on January 17th, 2019.

Save the Date
and Call for Proposals

Provost Ed Feser invites you to take part in this daylong summit dedicated to student success

Oregon State University 
Undergraduate Student Success Summit

Thursday, March 7
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Memorial Union, Corvallis Campus

Learn how you can support and engage with undergraduate students, and share your own research, discoveries, innovations and interventions that bolster student success at the 2019 Undergraduate Student Success Summit. The summit will focus on the priority areas identified in the USSI Report, with an emphasis on supporting students’ transition to Oregon State University.

The summit will make the greatest impact when we hear from faculty and staff who are positively influencing student success. Presenters may give a five- to seven-minute talk, present for a 45-minute session or showcase work on a poster. You can also get involved by facilitating a small group discussion. Please submit
your proposal
 by Jan. 28.

Event registration details to follow. Email Jen Humphreys with questions.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine sponsors awards for postdoctoraland senior researchers at participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutions. These awardsinclude generous stipends ranging from $45,000 – $80,000 per year for recent Ph.D. recipients, andhigher for additional experience. Limited graduate level awards are also available. These awardsprovide the opportunity for recipients to do independent research in some of the best-equipped andstaffed laboratories in the U.S. Research opportunities are open to U.S. citizens, permanentresidents, and for some of the laboratories, foreign nationals.

Four annual review cycles:

  • February: Opens December 1; Closes February 1
  • May: Opens March 1; Closes May 1
  • August: Opens June 1; Closes August 1
  • November: Opens September 1; Closes November 1

Applicants should contact prospective Research Adviser(s) at the lab(s) prior to the application deadline to discuss their research interests and funding opportunities.

Thank you for your assistance. For more information:

Phone: 202-334-2760

2019 U.S. Air Force Research Lab – Repperger Research Internship Program
Location: Dayton, OH & San Antonio, TX
Dates: June 3 – August 0, 2019
Application Deadline: January 21, 2019
Repperger Information URL:
*Please review the Project Catalog.  With a single application, applicants can select their top five of 34 available research topics. Open to BS-PhD candidates. U.S. Citizenship is required.
Application URL:



2019 U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research Summer Internship Program
Location: San Antonio, TX
Dates: June 3 – August 0, 2019
Application Deadline: January 21, 2019
Application URL:
*With a single application, applicants will be able to select their top three of 12 available research topics as listed in the announcement. Open to bachelorette candidates only. U.S. Citizenship is required.

Applications for both research opportunities will be administered via the Zintellect application system (  Candidates will be required to upload resume/CV and academic transcripts.  Two completed academic recommendations will also be required for consideration for each opportunity.    In Zintellect, applicants can track their application status. Once an applicant submits their completed application, an e-mail will automatically be sent by Zintellect to the applicant’s desired referee.  Applicants may list more than two individuals to receive the recommendation e-mail. Please allow ample time for the recommendations to be completed prior to the January 28, 2019 deadline. At the time of the recommendation deadline, without two completed recommendations, your application will be marked incomplete.

Feel free to check out other research opportunities posted on Zintellect!  We have opportunities posted for current students and recent graduates in nearly every STEM field and U.S. Citizenship is not required for every opportunity.

The Departmental Safety Advisory Group met on November 16th, 2018. Important items discussed at that meeting are shown below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Michael W. Burand (DSAG chair) or any other member of the Group for assistance.

Serious Chemical Spill? Call Public Safety, not EHS
OSU’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) reminds all personnel in the Department of Chemistry that in the event of a chemical spill that cannot be safely cleaned without outside assistance, they should call Public Safety at 7-7000. Public Safety will contact EHS directly as needed.

Welcome to Tom Doyle, Director, EHS
The Departmental Safety Advisory Group welcomes its newest member, Thomas (Tom) Doyle. Tom recently became the director of EHS and has offered to join Dan Kermoyan to serve as an EHS representative to the Group. The Group looks forward to Tom’s input and the continuing partnership between the Department of Chemistry and EHS.

Required Chemical Safety Seminar for First-Year Graduate Students
First-year graduate students are reminded to register for CH 607, Chemical Safety Seminar (Section 010, CRN 32393) for the upcoming winter term. The first class meeting will be at 12:00 in Wiegand 132 on January 7, 2019. Thanks to a grant for course development from OSU’s Center for Teaching and Learning, CH 607 will now be offered as a hybrid course.

Reminder: Required Procedures for Accident Reporting
The University requires that all accidents involving injury are formally reported within 24 hours of the incident. The forms are available via the Departmental webpage: Research > Safety Web > Accident Reporting or may be accessed directly via:
It should be noted that when working as a TA in a teaching laboratory, the TA is considered an employee—not a student—and thus should complete the SAIF 801 form also available via the link above.

Reminder: Approval of Outreach Events
Please note that a formal approval is required for all outreach activities involving any kind of chemical experiment/demonstration. The form (and a sample version) may be found here:
The form may also be accessed directly via the Department of Chemistry website via Research > Safety Web > Outreach. It must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event to guarantee review in time for the event.
Reminder: Safety Requirements for Chemistry Teaching Laboratories
The Group has adopted a two-tier system for teaching laboratory safety requirements to better clarify situations depending on what activities are taking place in the laboratory.

Case Requirements
1. Any wet chemistry is taking place anywhere within the laboratory (including the washing of glassware, etc.):
All students must wear closed shoes and be dressed such that there is absolutely no exposed skin below the waist. Students shall wear a laboratory coat and goggles. No food or drink is allowed in the laboratory at any time.
2. The laboratory is being used as a classroom (for example, for student presentations) and no wet chemistry is taking place anywhere within the laboratory:
All students must wear closed shoes and be dressed such that there is absolutely no exposed skin below the waist. No food or drink is allowed in the laboratory at any time.
As always, students should consult the instructor of record if they have any questions about meeting the standards for attire. Instructors are reminded that the above are minimum requirements; it is up to the instructor to determine if additional requirements, such as gloves or heavy denim pants, are to be required.