Dear OSU Graduate Faculty,

As part of an ongoing strategic partnership with the Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL), the OSU Graduate School is pleased to announce that applications for the 2023 PNNL-OSU Distinguished Graduate Research Program (DGRP) are open effective today.

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – Oregon State University Distinguished Graduate Research Program (PNNL-OSU DGRP) is a four-year opportunity designed to provide collaborative research and training to OSU graduate students. Students selected to participate in the program will benefit from having the expertise of graduate committee members from both organizations and access to the world-class research infrastructure at OSU and PNNL. The DGRP is a four-year program in which years one and two are funded by OSU, namely through department or faculty grants. During years three and four, PNNL will fund the student’s stipend and benefits, the OSU Graduate School will provide a tuition waiver, and the student will be primarily located at PNNL. An essential requirement of the program is that the co-advisors from the OSU and PNNL must be willing to support the student in the proposed collaboration research topic. Additionally, the OSU advisor must be on a full-time faculty appointment. 

The Graduate School is soliciting applications to the 2023 PNNL-OSU DGRP cohort. Nominees must be first year or second year Ph.D. students in STEM and related science and engineering disciplines at OSU. We are particularly interested in attracting outstanding students that represent the existing and emerging areas of collaboration with PNNL. A maximum of five students will be selected for 2023 cohort.

Since OSU’s Ph.D. programs have a variety of recruiting and admission timelines, we have set the priority deadline for applications to the DGRP as February 20, 2023. Interested faculty should identify a potential student applicant, PNNL collaborator, and complete the online application. Eligibility requirements, award details, and the nomination procedure are available on the Graduate School website at

If you have any questions, please email   

Jessica Beck


Jessica Beck, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean

Graduate School |Oregon State University

204 Heckart | Corvallis, OR 97331

541.737.8576 |

The Career Development Center is currently accepting applications for the winter 2023 cohort of Career Champions! 

This is an excellent opportunity to learn about how to integrate career readiness into your classroom and teaching. If you want more information, please attend the Career Champions FYI Friday information session on November 18th at 3 pm, and you can reach out to our COS Assistant Director of Career Development, Rachel Palmer (, with any further questions.

Thank you



Jessica Siegel, Ph.D.

Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Oregon State University | College of Science

122 Kidder | 541-737-6176

Do you have faculty at Oregon State​ who might be interested in submitting a short proposal to these opportunities?

I wanted to highlight several packaging opportunities in particular, with funding ranging up to $100,000 (with potential follow-on). Those have received the fewest proposals so far.

My best,


All active partnering opportunities on Halo (Deadline 11/30):

My colleagues Tanya Myers and Alla Zelenyuk here at PNNL wanted to reach out to you all to see whether you might be aware of any recent or soon-to-be PhD grads who would be eligible for this posting to work with us here at PNNL doing some pretty cool science on an upcoming IARPA project.

The posting closes on Nov 9:  We are looking for someone with background in mass spec and/or IR spectroscopy to study aerosols using state-of-the-art instrumentation in both mass spec and IR spectroscopy, as well as working with many top-notch scientists in the field.  The position will likely result in several publications.  However, the position requires US Citizenship, which is a firm requirement.    

Please share this job ad with folks you know who might be eligible, or if you’re aware of any useful job ad where we should post this, that’d be helpful as well.   

Thanks so much!

A recording of the Sept. 28, 2022, webinar to educate stakeholders on the Green Chemistry Challenge Awards’ nomination process is now available. This webinar, hosted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), reviewed the history of the awards, eligibility requirements, and what is needed to submit a nomination. The webinar also reviewed the six award categories including a category to recognize technology that reduces or eliminates greenhouse gas emissions, in support of the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to combat the climate crisis.  

EPA is currently accepting nominations for the 2023 Green Chemistry Challenge Awards from companies or institutions that have developed a new green chemistry process or product that helps protect human health and the environment. Nominations are due to the agency by Dec. 9, 2022. 

An independent panel of technical experts convened by the American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute will formally judge the nominations and make recommendations to EPA for the 2023 winners. EPA anticipates giving awards to outstanding green chemistry technologies in six categories in the Fall of 2023. 

Learn more about the Green Chemistry Challenge Awards. 

View the Webinar

A local Corvallis company is looking for an experienced undergrad or recent grad with a strong chemistry background for part-time work in the Corvallis lab purifying the sunscreen gadusol and derivatives. The job description is on the website of the company (Arcaea) that bought Gadusol Labs,

For questions please contact: 

Alan Tagore Bakalinsky

A good course proposal needs to be clear, strategic, and aligned with the academic policies. OSU uses Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) software as an online platform for curricular proposal submission and review. This course demonstrates how to navigate CIM to successfully submit a course proposal and explains the curriculum review workflow in a nutshell. Part of the Fall 2022 FYI Friday series; Friday, Nov. 4, noon to 12:30 p.m. via Zoom. Registration closes at noon on Thursday.