The College of Science is planning a workshop for faculty members who plan to apply for the NSF CAREER award in July 2025 and beyond. We’d like to share our preliminary plans for this workshop which will be held on March 11th, 2025, 8:30am-noon.   

There will be two main components of the workshop (draft agenda below). First, Dr. Elise Lockwood (Professor of Mathematics, CAREER Award Recipient, and former NSF Program Officer) will provide an overview of the NSF CAREER Award and the associated review process. This presentation will be followed by a panel discussion focused on strategies for developing a successful CAREER proposal. Panel members will be COS faculty who have received the CAREER Award and/or have served as reviewers for this award.  

The panel will be followed by a review of each applicant’s “Overview and Objective” portion of their project description (~1-2pgs) by past awardees. We aim to pair each applicant with an awardee from an aligned research field. We would like to encourage the applicant and the awardee to develop a mentor-mentee relationship, with the goal of the mentor providing a complete review of the mentees full 15-pang project description sometime before the July submission deadline.  

Please share this information with all your pre-tenure faculty and encourage them to RSVP for this workshop. Additionally, please share this information with any of your senior faculty who may be interested in serving as mentors. Ideal mentors would be past CAREER award recipients and individuals who have served as NSF program officers or have had substantial success receiving NSF awards. All inquiries and RSVPs should be sent to Chris Suffridge ( who is coordinating this workshop.   


 Draft Agenda: 

8:30                Catered breakfast provided by COS 

9:00                Welcome by the COS Dean and ADR 

9:10                Introductions 

9:20                Overview of NSF CAREER award, review criteria, and the importance of “grantsmanship”. (Elise Lockwood) 

10:00              Panel with past recipients: Developing Strategies for Success and leveraging OSU’s education outreach infrastructure  

11:00              Review of PI Overview and Objective Statements 

11:45              Share-out of Review, plan future review deadlines  

12:00              Adjourn 

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