My colleagues Tanya Myers and Alla Zelenyuk here at PNNL wanted to reach out to you all to see whether you might be aware of any recent or soon-to-be PhD grads who would be eligible for this posting to work with us here at PNNL doing some pretty cool science on an upcoming IARPA project.

The posting closes on Nov 9:  We are looking for someone with background in mass spec and/or IR spectroscopy to study aerosols using state-of-the-art instrumentation in both mass spec and IR spectroscopy, as well as working with many top-notch scientists in the field.  The position will likely result in several publications.  However, the position requires US Citizenship, which is a firm requirement.    

Please share this job ad with folks you know who might be eligible, or if you’re aware of any useful job ad where we should post this, that’d be helpful as well.   

Thanks so much!

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