The Natural Sciences & Environmental Fair connects our students with potential employers for future jobs and internships. If you are a science major with a love for nature and conservation, and aspire for a career in the environmental sector, please join us for this career fair on Wednesday, October 17.

All types of leading government and scientific organizations in the environmental field will attend the career fair, including Oregon Coast Aquarium, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service, Northwest Youth Corps, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and many more.

By attending, you will gain valuable experience interacting with employers and recruiters to prepare for your career after graduation. Undergraduates can also find out about internships and volunteer opportunities in the summer.

The fair is open to undergraduate and graduate students. Faculty and staff are welcome to network with employers.

Learn more about the 2018 Natural Sciences and Environmental Fair.

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