Dear Oregon State University Community,

Now that the 2024 Oregon State University’s Charitable Fund Drive (CFD) campaign is launched, you can make a significant impact on the lives of those who need it most by supporting local and statewide non-profit organizations through your tax-deductible donations.

Making your pledge is easy and convenient with online pledging and payroll deduction. Simply visit Pledges made during this campaign will be deducted from your pay in 2025 in the amount and frequency you specify. If you’ve contributed to the CFD in the past, you can easily replicate your pledge for this year.

Thank you for your generosity and your commitment to making the world a better place. If you need further assistance, please contact Shalece by email or by calling 541-737-5547.

Warm regards,

Patricia A. Snopkowski | Chief Executive of Audit, Risk and Compliance 

Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance 

240 Kerr Administration Bldg. | Corvallis, OR  97331 

Ph: 541-737-0505 | Email:

Shalece Rains| Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive of Audit, Risk and Compliance

Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance

240 Kerr Administration Bldg. | Corvallis, OR  97331

ph: 541-737-5547| Email:


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