Please see the information below my signature for two sets of resources related to Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

1.               Responsible Conduct of Research Training: Pilot Program

2.               Support for responsible research practices

Please pass this on to your faculty. I will work on sending this out to COS research faculty during the second week of classes. 

Please consider attending the Pilot program. I will be attending as well as members of the RDU. 

Thank you! 


Vrushali A. Bokil, Ph.D

Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies

Professor of Mathematics 

College of Science | Oregon State University | 541 737 8062

128F Kidder Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331



Responsible Conduct of Research Training: Pilot Program

To access and download the schedule, please visit the website

1-2 p.m. the first Friday of each month

October 4, 2024 – June 5, 2025 

Hallie Ford Center – Room #115

Everyone is welcome! 

Join us as in the launch of a new nine-month Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Program co-hosted by the College of Health and the Oregon State University Office of Research Integrity. 

  • The program will foster a sense of community among researchers by offering a dedicated space to discuss topics relevant to responsible research practices. 
  • Certificates of Completion will be provided to those who attend eight or more sessions. 
  • All COH research faculty, staff and students are strongly encouraged to participate.
  • All OSU faculty, staff and students are welcome to participate.

Attending eight RCR training sessions fulfills the following requirements and recommendations:

  • NIH requires researchers awarded career development and training grants to complete 8 hours of in-person, discussion-based RCR training.
  • NIH encourages all researchers to complete RCR training at every career stage and at least once every four years.
  • NIH encourages predoctoral researchers to complete RCR training as early as possible.
  • NSF requires funded faculty and other senior personnel, undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers to complete RCR training.
  • USDA/NIFA requires funded program directors, faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and staff to complete RCR training.
  • OSU Graduate School requires master’s and PhD students to be able to conduct scholarly activities in an ethical manner.

Please mark your calendars for the first session on Friday, October 4, and join us in building a strong foundation of responsible research practices within our community. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information contact Susan Emerson at

Schedule: Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training

Topics and presenters are subject to change. 
Additional RCR topics and 
resources are available and may be added.

RCR DateTopicPresenters
October 4, 2024Introduction to Research Integrity: Scientists as Responsible Members of SocietyChristopher Viggiani, PhD and Marie Harvey, DrPH, MPH will kick off the RCR training program.Molly Kile, ScD
November 1, 2024  Responsible Authorship and Publication          Perry Hystad, PhDLisa Leventhal, MSS
December 6, 2024  Responsible International CollaborationsSunil Khanna, PhDChristopher Viggiani, PhD
January 10, 2025Promoting Civility in Research Environments: Preventing Harassment, Bullying, and Inappropriate Behavior TBD 
February 7, 2025Secure and Ethical Use of Protected Health Information (PHI) Denise Hynes, PhD, RN
March 7, 2025Mentor and Mentee Responsibilities and Relationships Jessica Gorman, PhD, MPH 
April 4, 2025Research Misconduct: Impact on Science and Society  Lisa Leventhal, MSSTBD 
May 2, 2025Maintaining Confidentiality and Security in the Peer Review Process TBD
June 6, 2025  Rigor, Reproducibility, and Data Management Practices  Clara Llebot Lorente, PhD      


Support for responsible research practices

Incoming and Departing Researchers

Checklists are available to assist researchers and departments connect with the appropriate OSU offices as they prepare to initiatetransfer, or close-out research-related activities. Please provide these links to department heads, unit leads, and supervisors and encourage them to share them with researchers in their departments.

RCR Training Requirements

·         NSF has expanded their responsible conduct of research (RCR) training requirement to apply to faculty and other senior personnel.

·         NIH, AHRQ, and HRSA have expanded their list of training topics and continue to require that the majority of instruction be delivered in-person.

·         USDA continues to require that all researchers funded by NIFA complete RCR training.

See the Program website for requirements and training resources.  This is an evolving area and more updates will be available in the fall.

Research Misconduct Reporting

OSU’s Research Misconduct policy centralizes reporting and related procedures for handling allegations of fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism.

Please promptly refer any questions, concerns, or allegations related to research misconduct to the Research Integrity Officer.

Information need not be informed by first-hand knowledge; second-hand accounts are a critical avenue for discovering and addressing issues early on. You do not have to determine whether the issue meets the definition of research misconduct before reaching out; referrals to other resources will be made when appropriate. Informal questions do not trigger formal procedures.

Reports can also be submitted through EthicsPoint or the relevant funding agency. More information about research misconduct and detrimental research practices can be found on the Program website.


Authorship guidelines, sample agreements, and other resources are available to help you prevent authorship disputes. The Program has also established a process for supporting colleges in resolving authorship disputes. Contact the Director to request consultation or assistance, as needed.

Rigor & Reproducibility

In support of an ever-increasing emphasis on data management and sharing, OSU’s Data Access and Ownership policy reflects longstanding federal requirements and best practices.  You will find resources to support data management and sharing, repository searches, the application of FAIR Principles, and more on the Program website.

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