Stormy Macomb – W23 Undergraduate of the Quarter

We’re delighted to announce that Stormy Macomb has been named one of the Winter 2023 Undergraduates of the Quarter.

Stormy grew up on the Oregon Coast in the small town of Warrenton, right on the mouth of the Columbia River. Stormy chose to pursue chemistry because she fell in love with how chemistry surrounds everyday life- it made sense to her. After being homeschooled through high school, she received a GED to attend community college, where she attended college with her mom and brother. It was Stormy’s mom who inspired her to pursue education in addition to chemistry, fostering her love for helping people learn. “I couldn’t be where I am today without her,” Stormy writes.

Now, Stormy attends Oregon State, pursuing chemistry and education and working as a general chemistry TA. After OSU, she plans on getting a Master’s in Education and interning at a local high school. Her long term goal is to be a high school or community college chemistry teacher in her hometown, working to encourage more interest in STEM.

Outside of school, Stormy likes to read fiction and paint scenery. She cooks and bakes regularly, and enjoys playing Dungeons & Dragons and Magic the Gathering with her husband and friends. Stormy’s favorite book is Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis, and her favorite food is French fries (or any other form of potato).

We’re so proud of Stormy and everything she’s accomplished while at OSU.  We can’t wait to see what she does in the future.

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