he Oregon RD Network has contracted with the AtKisson Training Group (ATG) to hold a proposal writing workshop on May 25-26, with Oregon State Office for Research Advancement splitting the $12,000 cost of the event with Portland State University and University of Oregon. Faculty and staff from any Oregon institution of higher education may attend.   

Please encourage faculty in your College or unit to apply.   We would like to see all of the Colleges represented at the workshop.   If you have 3-5 specific nominations you would like to encourage, please email me (leah.gorman@oregonstate.edu) and I will reach out to those faculty directly.  Otherwise, please share this announcement widely within your unit.

Proposal Writing Workshop: May 25-26, 2023

The Oregon Research Development Network (ORDN) is hosting an online workshop, Planning and Writing Successful Grant Proposals, presented by Dr. M. S. (Peg) AtKisson and Dr. Amanda Welch of the highly regarded AtKisson Training Group on Thursday, May 25, and Friday, May 26, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Participants will learn about the fundamental concepts of proposal planning and writing backed by concrete tips and operational strategies that support planning and longer-term sustainability. The attached flyer describes the seminar structure and expected outcomes.

This virtual seminar is designed for faculty from all disciplines and staff with research development or grant writing responsibilities. Faculty and staff from any public or private institution of higher education in Oregon are welcome to attend. 

Note that spaces are limited for this event, and the cost per participant is $50 for workshop materials. If registered attendees exceed workshop capacity, the ORDN will allocate spaces to support participation from a wide range of fields, institutions, and career stages.

The registration deadline is March 15, 2023. Notifications will go out to selected participants at the beginning of April with instructions about the means to pay the $50 workshop material costs at that time. 

Please direct questions about the workshop to research.development@oregonstate.edu.

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