NSF released an amended call for proposals for the future of semiconductors (FuSe). The deadline is April 24, 2023.  


The goal of this solicitation is to cultivate a broad coalition of researchers and educators from across science and engineering communities that utilizes a holistic, co-design approach to fundamental research and workforce education and training, to enable rapid progress in new semiconductor technologies. The future of semiconductor manufacturing will require the design and deployment of diverse new technologies in materials, chemical and materials processes, devices, and architectures through the development of application-driven systems.

Partnerships between industry and academic institutions are essential to spur innovation and technology transfer, to inform the research needs, and to train the future workforce.

Industry Partners co-funding this FuSe solicitation:

  • Ericsson 
  • IBM
  • Intel 
  • Samsung

NSF will fund ~ 20 FuSe Research and Education Grants to be awarded as Standard awards or Continuing grants for periods of up to three years and at up to $2M per grant.

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