Just an FYI about possible funding resources for Indigenous students from OR tribes! The Oregon Tribal Student Grant provides full funding for students who are enrolled members of any of the 9 federally recognized tribes in Oregon. Deadline for winter term funding: Nov. 1st!

Applications are Still Being Accepted for the Oregon Tribal Student Grant 

The HECC Office of Student Access  and Completion will continue to accept and review applications for the Oregon Tribal Student Grant for 2022-23 until funds are exhausted. Students planning to attend college in the 2022-23 academic  year, including fall term, are encouraged to apply.  The Oregon Tribal Student Grant is expected to pay for most or all public undergraduate college-related expenses—including tuition, housing, books, and other costs not covered by other grants—for eligible students who are enrolled members of Oregon’s nine federally recognized Tribes. Current and prospective students can learn more and apply here. The direct link to the Oregon Tribal Student Grant web page is: https://oregonstudentaid.gov/grants/oregon-tribal-student-grant/ 

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