The Office of Faculty Affairs works to advance the University’s internationalization goals and support efforts to expand global engagement in the colleges and divisions. As such, OFA is pleased to announce an Internationalization Grant pilot program, which will award up to $5,000 for projects that advance the university’s internationalization agenda as described in SP4.0 and/or the university’s internationalization and global engagement strategy

This program is announced on the Global Engagement website. Click here for full details. 

Project topics may focus on the following but other proposals are welcome:  

  • Integrating global learning into the curriculum and co-curriculum 
  • Fostering a vibrant and inclusive campus culture for domestic and international students, staff, and faculty 
  • Preparing graduates to work effectively in a diverse society and as global citizens 
  • International student, faculty, and staff retention 
  • Fostering strategic international partnerships or participation in global consortia which amplify OSU’s global profile and impact 

This is a pilot program for AY2022-23 which will be assessed for impact in spring 2023. If the program is approved to continue, it will become a matching program with home units.  

The application process is now open via Qualtrics. Funding for this program is limited. To learn more, see the attached Call for Proposals or visit our website.

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