On October 5, 2020, NSF will require biographical sketches and current and pending support forms be provided in specific formats.  One of the formats uses SciENcv to manage your data and generate compliant PDF forms for upload.  Join College proposal support personnel for training and work sessions to assist you in transitioning to this new system.  

Sessions will be held in Zoom on Tuesday, Oct 6 from 12-1pm and Friday, Oct 9 from 10-11am.  Please register for a session at the link below and we will send you a Zoom invitation.  Handouts and instructions will be provided at the sessions and also made available to researchers who are unable to attend. 

Qualtrics Registration Link: https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9LAEqMH49PzXc2h

For questions or additional details, contact:

Liz Etherington at Liz.Etherington@oregonstate.edu 
Cyndy Kelchner at  Cyndy.Kelchner@oregonstate.edu

Melora Park at  Melora.Park@oregonstate.edu

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