The University of Alberta is looking to fill an opening in Analytical Chemistry. The Department of Chemistry at the University of Alberta has 33 faculty, over 220 graduate students (~2/3 PhD and 1/3 research MSc), and a large undergraduate program. The department has strong research facilities, as well as on-campus research institutes such as the National Institute for Nanotechnology and the Alberta Glycomics Centre, and a long history of excellence in analytical chemistry.  We have also made two recent hires in environmental chemistry, and are looking to make another soon.

Our current search in Analytical Chemistry does not have a targeted technique or field in mind. Rather we are looking for the best candidate. (But personally, I would be delighted if the position was filled by a separation scientist, as I have a lab full of HPLC and CE equipment that I could give them.)  The deadline for application is October 21, 2017 and we will be scheduling interviews in November to January. The position is targeted to an Assistant or Associate Professor, but with the right candidate a young Full Professor would be possible. The start date is July 1, 2018, but is negotiable.

Please share this position with your postdocs or past grad students that you feel would be a good match.

For those that you pass this one to, the University of Alberta is located in the center of the city of Edmonton. The metropolitan area has 1.3 million people, with a vibrant young and multicultural community. The city hosts over 100 festivals each year, and spectacular nature is just a few hours drive away in national parks such as Jasper and Banff. Housing in Edmonton is readily available and affordable, and the school system is excellent.


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