The Teva Pharmaceuticals Scholars grants program will begin accepting proposals on March 16th. Proposals are due by May 1st.

The Teva Pharmaceuticals Scholars grants program is administered by the ACS Office of Research Grants with funding provided by Teva Pharmaceuticals. The program is a philanthropic grant program that supports academic researchers in the fields of organic and medicinal chemistry.

Award Information
Amount: $100,000 per year for 3 years
Number of awards: 3
Award period: September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2018

An applicant must be a recently-tenured faculty member of a PhD-granting department in the United States.

Research Area and Evaluation Criteria
Applications for the Teva Pharmaceuticals Scholars grants must propose research in the area of organic chemistry, with potential or direct connections with medicinal or pharmaceutical chemistry, such that the successful results would be of potential practical benefit to the discovery of organic compounds useful as human medicines. Proposals are evaluated on: a) scientific merit, creativity and novelty; and b) addressing unexplored fields in organic and/or medicinal chemistry. General aspects of research proposals will also be considered, such as: Is the project achievable within the time frame? Are the personnel and facilities adequate? Does the applicant consider and address potential problems?

Multiple submissions are allowed assuming separate PIs. The Foundation Services office can assist in the proposal writing process


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