Jason was born in Corvallis, but moved to Philomath at age 5. His science high school teacher and OSU alumni (Molly O’Malley) got him excited about science – he took anatomy & physiology, chemistry and biology in high school from her. He came to OSU because of the positive experience his brother had at OSU and its close proximity to home, which reduced the cost of going to college. While he started as a chemistry major with a pre-med option (as he loved anatomy and physiology in high school), his interests have transitioned to materials science and solid state chemistry during his time at OSU. He first worked with Dave Cann in the Materials Science program on high temperature piezoelectrics. In 2011, he presented a poster at the International Symposium for Applications of Ferroelectrics on Vancouver Island, Canada. In 2012, he participated in the NSF REU internship spearheaded by Chemistry Professor Doug Keszler and subsequently has transitioned into Keszler’s lab to work on oxide growth of amorphous metal films. He has a hard time just picking one favorite course at OSU, but Experimental Chem 1 would be “up there” due to the course environment and the friends he made through the process. Glenn Evans and Mike Lerner would be his favorite instructors during his time at OSU. In addition to chemistry, Jason has been an active participant in the OSU Men’s Choir. He plans to go to graduate school at NC State after graduation to obtain a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering – likely focused on long range and short range ordering of materials. We are proud of talented students like Jason that continue to raise the profile of our Department, College and OSU!