In partnership with the Research Council, the Research Office is now accepting requests for Research Equipment Reserve Funds (RERF) applications.  Research Equipment Reserve Funds (RERF) may be used to acquire, repair, renovate, or improve capital equipment directly used for research.  Please share this announcement with interested faculty.

This opportunity requires matching funds in support of the purchase of the equipment.  For more details, guidelines, review criteria, and application forms, see the Office for Research Advancement – Research Equipment Reserve Fund page.  

NEW FOR 2023

  • Maximum Award request to the Research Office per application is increased to $200,000 (with a maximum of 2 awards at the $150,000 – $200,000 level). Smaller requests are also encouraged.
  • Use of the InfoReady portal is being piloted in for application submission.  At first login, please create an account with your ONID email.  User guides are available on the associated Home page.  Questions on InfoReady can be submitted to


  • RERF applications due – April 10, 2023  – 11:59 Pacific time. 
  • Review Process Begins April – mid-May
  • An announcement in late May


The RERF application to the Research Office is comprised of 3 components:

Details about these components are provided in the full RESEARCH EQUIPMENT RESERVE FUND (RERF) Application Instructions for 2023.

Questions – send to

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