• Congratulations to the 2021 OSU Teaching Award Recipients

    Every year over 1,700 OSU teaching faculty work hard to provide our students with an exceptional college experience. Being an effective educator takes work. Course design, assessment, and course delivery all involve energy. Over the last years, our teaching faculty kept teaching even through a pandemic.  We, the staff of the Center for Teaching and…

  • CTL Blended Learning Research Published

    Do you integrate classroom teaching and online learning activities in your classes? Do you use a flipped approach or teach reduced-seat-time hybrid courses? Or are you considering such approaches for the first time? If so, you’ll be interested in Blended Learning Research Perspectives, Volume 3, published in September by Routledge. Better yet, this new collection…


    Sparkshops – Learn, Reflect, Renew, Refocus Join us for the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Sparkshop: Engaging students through effective questioning: Strategies and tips on October 15, 12-12:45 PM. Login information: Register for Zoom Sparkshops focus on evidence-informed teaching practices that faculty can easily implement to support student engagement and learning success. They are meant to…