• Sign up for an Intro to Media for Teaching Workshop

    Did you know that OSU has an audio/video production facility to support teaching on campus? It’s called the Faculty Media Center, located in Kidder 100. In this workshop, you’ll learn all about the FMC studios and how to create engaging and immersive media using OSU-supported software. The Center for Teaching and Learning and FMC invite…

  • A Reflection on CTL’s Supporting 2SLGBTQI+ Students In and Outside the College Classroom

    About the author: After 17 years away, Teresa recently returned to OSU as an instructor in the HDFS department. Previously, Teresa taught for five years in the OSU laboratory preschool – Child Development Center/Head Start program – and has more than 20 cumulative years of university-level teaching experience at multiple institutions, including OSU-Cascades, Washington State University Vancouver, WSU Global Campus, and Central…

  • CTL Announces Call for Blended Learning Faculty Fellow

    High quality blended learning, which combines the strengths of on-campus and online teaching, continues to grow in popularity as higher education moves back to campus after the recent period of remote teaching. CTL, Academic Technologies, Ecampus, and the Office of Undergraduate Education are partnering to launch a 2022 Blended Learning Innovations in Pedagogy (BLIP) initiative.…