Tag: Canvas

  • Many individual students, one individual instructor!

    By Scott Geddes, OSU-Cascades One of the notable educational outcomes I have experienced in the post-pandemic era has been the change in the public high school system (https://leadershipblog.act.org/2023/10/act-scores-decline.html) and subsequently I have noted a widening in the preparation level of incoming student bodies, particularly in the large enrollment prerequisite classes. As educators and instructors, we…

  • Timely Teaching Tips: Weeks 7 and 8 – Student Support Strategies

    By Emma Larkins, OSU Center for Teaching and Learning Resources to support students’ physical, mental and academic well-being  We are moving into the final weeks of the term. Students are busy at work on assignments, quizzes and exams, and group projects in anticipation of finals week. Take steps to help students manage their stress levels…

  • Timely Teaching Tips: Course Prep + Weeks 1 and 2

    By Emma Larkins, Center for Teaching and Learning Get winter term off to a successful start! Preparing for the term and setting the tone in the first few weeks of the course are important to both the instructor and students. Here are tips and strategies from considering a welcoming syllabus, to setting up your Canvas…

  • Join the OSU Digital Accessibility Community

    About the OSU Digital Accessibility Community The Ally accessibility tool in Canvas is about to turn one year old! Now that many faculty are using Ally to check course content, they have questions about how to improve accessibility of their course materials. In order to deliver focused support for the remainder of the academic year,…

  • New Tool for Faculty Peer Review of Canvas Discussions

    Faculty peer reviews of teaching benefit faculty and students in a variety of ways. Peer review is endorsed and recognized within and outside of OSU as an evidence-based practice that supports quality teaching, and is also a component of promotion and tenure dossiers for many OSU faculty. In a campus-based course, a peer reviewer may…

  • Canvas Hack: Using Outcomes to Generate Assurance of Learning Reports

    About the Author: John Morris is Senior Instructor I in the College of Business. Prior to joining OSU in 2009, he worked at Hewlett-Packard Company in software and technology training. He was part of the OSU Blackboard to Canvas LMS (Learning Management System) transition in 2013 and 2014 and was a College of Business Peer…

  • Feeling Burnt Out?

    About the author: Inara Scott, Ph.D. is Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning Excellence in the OSU College of Business. She also serves as the 2020-21 Provost’s Fellow. As we draw close to the one year mark from when we left campus, I’m hearing more and more from faculty and students who are feeling–to put…

  • Sign up for OSU Teaching Workshops

    OSU’s Keep Teaching team, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and Academic Technology are collaborating to offer workshops and webinars to help you prepare your Winter 2021 courses. Sign up today! Using Canvas to Give Better Feedback to Students - Wondering how you can give your students more efficient and effective feedback through Canvas? Are you…

  • Supporting Your Fall Term Students

    Times of transition and change can be overwhelming. We know the entire OSU community is experiencing some form of change right now, and that students in particular may be feeling overwhelmed as they anticipate fall term. We also know that students trust the advice and resources they hear about from you. This puts you in a unique position to support students throughout the term. As you prepare for fall, I’d like to highlight one way you…

  • Pedagogical Boosters

    Last week, Cub Kahn posted a blog titled, Practical Solutions to Remote Learning Issues. In that issue, an infographic on remote learning issues, along with practical, evidence-based solutions were shared. This week, the Center for Teaching and Learning is sharing a second infographic, Pedagogical Boosters. But don’t worry, while we often may feel a pinch…