• The 4 Properties of Powerful Teaching

    Article in the Chronicle of Higher Education outlines four broad characteristics of powerful teachers: Personality,Presence, Preparation and Passion. http://m.chronicle.com/article/The-4-Properties-of-Powerful/228483/ Using their article as a launching point, I have added a few tips and tricks below. Powerful teachers have personalities that are, in general, good natured and approachable.  Students are not intimidated by you and all…

  • Institutional Proficiency Levels?

    Dear Colleagues, Vicki Tolar Burton and I recently received an interesting question from a new OSU teacher: What [are the] general expectations at OSU for undergraduate writing competencies, and what resources are there for a student whose skills are less than adequate? CTL Response: Your question is appropriate and pertinent.  At this point, no institutional…

  • Grade distributions: What’s appropriate?

    I recently received an inquiry in the Center for Teaching and Learning asking for advice on the “appropriate grade distribution” for a class.  In fact, there is not an ideal grade distribution. The idea of grades, as opposed to narrative reports, were introduced to schooling early in the industrial revolution as a method of sorting…