• Six Principles of University Teaching

    Friends of OSU, Last year I created a summary of the literature on cognition research, pedagogical research, professional portfolios, and intellectual coaching to create the Six Principles of University Teaching.   OSU Center for Teaching and Learning has been using this model of teaching excellence for a number of activities for faculty: creating teaching portfolios…

  • OSU Faculty Prepare To Teach in World-class LINC Facility

    OSU’s Learning Innovation Center, also known as the LINC, will be open for business beginning fall term of 2015! Teaching in a round space may have its challenges, and veteran instructors who will be teaching in this world-class facility have been preparing to make the transition from teaching in traditional rowed-seating classrooms to state-of-the-art circular…

  • Students’ Ratings of Instruction: Fair Usage?

    Despite the preponderance of research documenting the limitations and inappropriate use of students’ ratings instruction as a primary evaluation of teaching quality,  many universities continue to rely heavily, if not solely on eSETS to make professional decisions. Check out this NPR blog to see why this practice is, at the very least inappropriate and as…